vampire Club
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added by Angie22
Source: Angie22
added by Princess-Yvonne
added by kibosh
added by karlyluvsam
Source: whererainbowsendx
added by PoisonLove787
added by PoisonLove787
posted by LovableXNerd
I sat there and stared at him with little interest, even though he was known as the hottest guy in school. I just didn’t find him appealing. Also he never showed any abstinence on hitting on girls so that just turned me right off. But today he kept staring at me and to most girls that would be awesome but to me well… it felt like trouble. The way he stared at me gave me shivers all over, not the good kind but the kind that represented danger. The bel, bell rung announcing that it was time to go and I rushed to my locker grabbed my things and headed out the door for the long walk home. But just...
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added by bigpurplemuppet
added by PoisonLove787
added by Avelina
Source: Avelina De Moray
added by Nevermind5555
Queens of seduction.....
added by tanyya
added by sapherequeen
added by sapherequeen
posted by vampiregrrl999
I bet many of anda are wondering how someone is turned into a vampire. We all know the most populer way involving lots of blood sucking (they suck, anda suck). But if anda take a look throughout folklore, old customs and tradition throughout the world you’ll learn that there are loads of ways someone was believed to turn into a vampire. Some of these are pretty ridiculous, but hey, people believed anything back in the day.

Before Birth atau Shortly After Birth

Born at certain times of the tahun (like a new moon atau a holy day).
Born with red caul, with teeth, atau with an extra nipple.
Born with a red...
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added by Nevermind5555
Source: Nevermind5555
added by bigpurplemuppet
added by Dogpaws
Source: weheartit
added by PoisonLove787