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edward cullen
series twilight
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This series twilight foto might contain brasserie, buket, korsase, seikat bunga, buket korsase, nosegay, resort, resort hotel, resor liburan, and resor.

added by hayhayj
added by amandajoyce17
Source: A.J.L
added by Cittycat19
added by Zeisha
added by Kaidi
added by neeki
There’s a possibility
There’s a possibility
All that I had was all I gon’ get


There’s a possibility
There’s a possibility
All I gon' get is gone with your step
All I gon' get is gone with your step

So tell me when anda hear my jantung stop,
You’re the only who knows
Tell me when anda hear my silence
There’s a possibility
I wouldn’t know


Know that when anda leave
Know that when anda leave
By blood and oleh mean
You walk like a thief
By blood and oleh mean
I fall when anda leave

So tell me when anda hear my jantung stop,
You’re the only who knows...
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This is the detik book to my first short story "As the sun sets" This is a story about the life of Renesmee Carlie Cullen ( In her POV with some exceptions) now that she is a teenager!

I suggest membaca my first book (as the sun sets), so anda can better understand this one (Daylight) This will take place just where we left off in the first novel!

Please Enjoy, and thank-you! I hope anda enjoy this book as much (if not more) as anda did the last! Again any comments, questions, suggestions please leave a komentar atau message me! I will always respond to fanmail ASAP!

Chapter 5: Nothing To Miss.

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This is the detik book to my first short story "As the sun sets" This is a story about the life of Renesmee Carlie Cullen ( In her POV with some exceptions) now that she is a teenager!

I suggest membaca my first book (as the sun sets), so anda can better understand this one (Daylight) This will take place just where we left off in the first novel! Please Enjoy, and thank-you!

I hope anda enjoy this book as much (if not more) as anda did the last! Again any comments, questions, suggestions please leave a komentar atau message me! I will always respond to fanmail ASAP!

Chapter 3: Elisabeth

I woke up...
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posted by cheerathlete08
Sorry for the delay I couldn't put it up because my iPad has a glitch and is being sent to apel, apple for repair I had to rewrite the whole thing from my head again on my iPhone and have to type it from here sorry about last Fridays post it was terrible I rewrote it and added a lot of lebih menulis please forgive my terrible draft I was half asleep with overdose on sleeping medication anyways it won't happen again
       I frowned as I stopped in the front door of our house. I heard Carlisle, mental anguish in his head. Rosalie told him. I heard her louder thoughts that swirled around Rosalies...
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posted by Summer_Leanne
Hi guys! So, since it's summertime again, I've decided to write a new fan fiction. It's from Bella's POV. Main characters are Bella, Edward, Nessie, Jake, and someone else :) I'll post every 2-3 days. Thanks for reading, anda all! <3 ;)

So many painful memories rushed through my mind. The invisible tears were impossible to choke back. While I ran through the thick underbrush, I felt as though I had begun to lose my mind. Imagine that…the first insane vampire. Edward was right behind me, trying his best to keep up with my frantic pace. He...
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posted by LexisFaith
If anda read Sunrise, sorry I didn't put it up. I was at NKTOBSB...(new kids on the block/ backstreet boys) concert!!! Be jealous :)
so we have had a full Edward POv, and a half ed half Bella...this one is all Bella...except a little bit... Enjoy!!

I drive an army jeep
My bumper sticker reads
Drink ’til he’s cute
That’s what I’m gonna do
Ain’t got no serious thing
Don’t wear no diamond ring
I’ve got a new tattoo
I think you’ll like the view

In my mind
The sun shines
All the time

‘Cause I’m just a summer girl
I wear my flip flops
And when...
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posted by LexisFaith
"Bella?" Esme walked around the corner. "Are anda staying for dinner?"
"Oh, um, no thank you." I shook my head. "I have to make makan malam for Charlie."
"Are anda sure?" Carlisle asked.
"Yeah. But thank you." I turned to Alice. "I should get going. Charlie will be halaman awal soon."
"Okay. Should I walk with you?" She asked.
"I'll drive her." Edward piped up. "I need to go out anyway." He gave his family a once over.
"Alright, Dear." Esme smiled. "Bella, anda come back anytime. anda are always welcome here, okay?"
I nodded. "Thank you." I gave them all quick goodbyes and followed Edward out to his car. "Do anda know...
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posted by LexisFaith
the playlist to the songs are here :) > link

I was freaking out. I was waiting in the dapur with Alice as she finished picking and proding at me.
"Bella." Alice layed her hand on my shoulder.
"Breathe. anda have been waiting for that man out there for years. He's been waiting years for you. He's standing out there waiting for anda to come to him."
I nodded. "Mason?" I asked.
"Right here!" He came bouncing beside me. "You look very pretty Momma."
"Thank you, Baby." I smiled to him.
"Okay, Mason, are anda ready?" Alice asked him. He nodded. "Okay, go stand at the door." When he walked away she turned...
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posted by EnchantdEquinox
Chapter 3: Black and white rainbow.
Charlotte and Peter didn’t seem to understand how tense the room was. Peter leaned in, his eyes wide and with shock.
“This is Nessie Jasper?” Jasper moved meneruskan, ke depan and nodded, the light throwing his scars into a bright pattern of crescent moons.
“But she’s human,” charlotte whispered. Her voice was sharp and small, and Renesmee noticed how she leaned towards her, her eyes bright with hunger. Edward stepped into her path.
“Why don’t we take a kursi and talk. Alice why don’t anda take Nessie upstairs. She probably has homework,” Renesmee noticed...
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The hari was December 13,1929.I was walking halaman awal from school late at night,and 2 of my friends Jessica and Lauren came up to me.
"Hey guys what are anda doing out here late at night?"I said
"Well we were waiting for you."Jessica said
"Really,why?"I said.They never waited for me this long before.I don't know why I feel uneven around them.
"Oh just to do this,Lauren now!"But before i had a time to react i suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back then later my arm.When i looked down blood drip on the hard,cold sidewalk.Then i was on the ground as Jessica and Lauren ran away leaving me to bleed to death.Darkness was around me,but then another sharp pain came to me.Not like a stab but like biting.When I woke up I felt a lot lebih different.Free,bu when i looked on one of the store's windows I saw not only was my skin much lebih paler,but my eyes were bloody red.
posted by Rennerocks
 Riley in serigala forum
Riley in wolf forum
This is a story about a fanmade werewolf I made named Riley Black.She's my fave fanmade charater anyways I hope anda like her :).Oh BTW she's imprinted to Seth clearwater.

Riley's POV.

I don't rember my very first phase it was like a blur all I remeber is that it was very painful and when I woke up I was a grayish tan blackish wolf.I was taller than normal serigala but so was everyone else in the pack. Jacob was the first person I saw when I phased he was in his serigala forum a redish tan wolf.He was way taller than me which was intimidating Riles are anda okay? he thought to me. Yes just frecked...
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Sam’s POV

The little green eyed girl ran around the backyard of my house with the boys. They adored her. We haven’t officially named her, but for now we call her Rayne, seeing as every time it rains she will run outside and dance in it despite our protests that she might get sick, although we all know her getting sick is about as possible as us getting sick.

Rayne has really grown on Emily and I. We think of her and treat her as our own daughter. She even calls us mom and dad. The boys cinta her. She’s like their little sister; she adores them as well, giving them all nicknames. Rayne is...
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posted by Idunn have received information about how CGI of Renesmee should work. Here is what they wrote:

“We now have lebih info about the CGI techniques that are going to be used in Breaking Dawn to rapidly age Mackenzie’s character Renesmee. The CGI team is going to use a mixture of ‘Motion Capture’ and ‘Live Action’ fotografi oleh fitting Mackenzie with an individually made skull topi fitted with a tiny camera positioned in front of her face. Like Avatar, the information collected about her facial expressions and eyes is then transmitted to computers.

As reported back in October...
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posted by LexisFaith
This chapter is all about forgetting and moving foward. Loving someone and them losing them/having to let them go is a really hard thing to do. But with the right friend/person, it can be just a little bit easier and anda often won't even know it's happening.
See anda Soon (song oleh Coldplay)

Edward POV

I pulled back from the two of them and looked at Bella. "I thought anda weren't coming untill later." I wiped my eyes and set Mason down who went to sit with Carlisle.

"I wasn't. But anda needed me." She smiled slightly as I wiped her tears.

"You would...
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