Thet Mon Myint Club
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added by alyssazon
added by alyssazon
added by alyssazon
Interview with Thet Mon Myint in Myanmar people magazine: December, 2011
At one of halloween Nights, I (the interviewer) met with her wearing pretty & bright red dress. Her style was very fashionable this time. It also looked like she herself was satisfied with her changed fashion style.

TMM: As I've been taking cover foto for People magazine frequently, I want to tampil different side of me to my fans. That's why I've taken pictures dressing like this. Ma Pont (designer) arranged dresses for me. We prepared only red & black dresses. 'Aren't they lovely?' She also asked me while explaining...
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added by alyssazon
added by alyssazon
added by alyssazon
added by alyssazon