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Recap on episode 13, Zach and his team traveled to the plaguelands to find and rescue the allies of the Pathfinders. In the process, Zach encountered an old enemy, Kravis, who was resurrected oleh SIVA and was intended to settle an old score. However, Zach has ascended and replaced his old armor with a completely different set, and is much lebih powerful than before. However, despite Zach's victory over the splicers, the Asylum continues to find the Golden Warrior and corrupted a hive wizard's soul to make their terrifying Disciples. As the Asylum grows lebih powerful, the fate of the multiverse...
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Missing in action part 2.
As easy as the rescue looked, Zach noticed that something was wrong. Suddenly, the ground started shaking and the NCR fell down into an underground tunnel. "Oh my god," berkata Rachel. "We gotta get down there now," berkata Lieutenant Harkin. Zach and his team ran down the bukit, hill with all their might to reach the crater and inspect it. "How are we supposed to get down from here?" asked Mythra. "I suggest that we rappel down," berkata Cody. Before the team started rappelling into the crater, Cody and Zach taught the duo on how to rappel down quickly but safely. Once they're ready,...
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Recap on episode twelve, After being suspended from combat, Zach tries to enjoy a beautiful hari in Sanctuary to keep his mind off of his encounter with the black swordsman. Earlier in the day, he recieved a letter from Rex, and he took the Golden Warrior around his halaman awal in the bazaar to introduce him to his beautiful blade companions, Pyra and Mythra. Zach instantly fell entranced oleh Pyra and started a relationship with her, as well as Mythra. Despite Charlie's dissatisfaction against the Aegis duo, Zach is determined that he will have a good relationship with the girls. Meanwhile, a fleet...
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Recap on episode eleven, Kirito has prepared a trap against Zach in the hopes of defeating him and rescuing his sister. However, his trap backfired and was almost killed oleh the Golden Warrior, with Leafa saving him at the last second. After the battle, Leafa broke up with Zach and started healing her brother, while Riley suspended Zach from combat despite Charlie trying to illegally court marshal his own brother for almost killing Kirito. Riley started protecting Zach and helps him calm down until he's ready to continue fighting.
The following morning in Sanctuary, Zach is in the gym,...
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Recap on episode ten, The golden warrior and Sanctuary has arranged a meeting with three realms around the city to warn them about the arrival of the Asylum. They have agreed to gabung their cause and prepare themselves for the upcoming conflict that will determine the balance of survival and extinction. Meanwhile, Kirito has become desperate in finding his sister, despite being injured. Kuzo tries to calm him down, but Kirito refuses to accept Kuzo's offer and goes alone to finding the golden warrior and defeating him to save Leafa.
After escaping the Prowlers undisclosed base, Kirito...
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hey everyone, Zach here, I am here to talk about the new season of Project Crossover that will be released in late August/early September. Just to recap at the beginning of Season one, I obviously get pulled into the portal to the multiverse, but I don't realize until later on that being pulled inside also awakens the Asylum, and are approaching the multiverse slowly but surely. In Season two, the Asylum is on the brink of arrival, and everyone in Sanctuary has to prepare themselves for the upcoming threat, but new threats have arrived, and they carry powerful artifacts that can help Sanctuary...
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Project Crossover introduces new characters coming in Season 2.
Sgt. Johnson: Sergeant Avery Johnson, the iconic cigar chomping war hero from the human-coveneant conflict makes his appearance in season two, and this time, he's bringing some mechanized backup with him.
Clyde Wellington: Another of my original characters, Clyde Wellington, a USSO scout suffering from post traumatic stress disorder is making his appearance, looking for payback to avenge his murdered family.
Pyra and Mythra: The beloved Aegis duo from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is also making their debut in season two of Project Crossover....
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In an abandoned metal plant, a hologram of the golden warrior is played in an unknown military base. The golden warrior, accompanied oleh his allies, fights wave after wave of Fallen to keep Sanctuary safe. In the background, Kuzo's voice is heard and says, "To find him, anda have to forget the stories, forget the Legends." Then the golden warrior ducks from a wretch attempting to slash him with its spear, then gets picked off oleh Zach's pistol. While Zach is fighting the rest of the fallen, Kuzo continues, "You have to do lebih than walk in his footsteps. For he is lebih than the sum of his actions."...
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Recap on episode nine, Zach tells Lefteris, Lucy and Leafa about the actual reason why he came to the multiverse oleh telling them that he was actually a nephalem, the sixth nephalem of the sacred order. In addition, he told them about an ancient threat known as the Asylum, powerful creatures born from darkness who has a single purpose, destroying everything that stands in their way. Well aware of their potential arrival, the Golden warrior and the rest of Sanctuary decides to arrange a meeting with other realms in the multiverse that's willing to gabung the fight against the upcoming threat.
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Recap on episode eight, Zach and his allies travel to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to find and rescue Charlie, Zach's long lost brother. Along the way, they encountered the hive in an old golden age warmind bunker hidden beneath the commonwealth and after the conflict, the pathfinders agreed with Zach to take safer refuge in Sanctuary. Meanwhile, Kirito, the black swordsman, joins up with Commander Kuzo and the Prowlers while on a quest to find clues to the golden warrior's whereabouts.
In the outskirts of the Commonwealth, the prowlers land selanjutnya to an outpost controlled oleh the...
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Old dogs, new tricks part 2
The hive lieutenant was very shocked at how fast the heroes killed the ogre, and now it was her turn to meet her fate. But she realized that she won't go down without a fight. So she deploys a small squad of Knights with their signature cleavers, and a shield made of durable shell-like material. Zach sees the squad and throws a api bolt grenade behind the Knights and the grenade shoots multiple superheated bolts at the knights, stunning them but leaving them open to a devastating attack oleh the Golden warrior. He then leaps in the air, and uses his Arc energy to crash...
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Recap on episode seven, the lion blood tribe captured Leafa and forced her and other women they captured to become slaves for Balthazar. What they didn't realize is Zach led a dangerous mission to rescue his beloved girlfriend and managed to defeat Balthazar with the help of his allies. After the attack, the remaining survivors of the lion blood tribe were killed oleh a mysterious figure who has since then began searching for the golden warrior.
5 hours after the siege of Balthazar's palace.
After his encounter with the remaining survivors of the lion blood tribe, the mysterious stranger...
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hey everyone, bintang Zach here, I finally got some great news to tell anda boys and girls. anda guys know how hard it's been to live with my brothers, well I'm here to tell anda that I'm going to pindah to Siren, Wisconsin. I have been accepted to live in Lakewood apartments and I'll be trying to live on my own. It will take some time to get used to the quietness of the apartment, but it is just what I need after a rough last year. I will officially pindah on the 21st of April, and I am excited about it. All my coworkers at my job are really happy about my news, and it will be the start of a new chapter in my life. It's been a long process to get to this point, but I'm ready for a whole new life in Siren.
posted by starzach
hey everybody, bintang Zach here again. This tahun is getting just as bad as it was last tahun for me. On February 28th, my older brother Brad was extremely upset at me again for not cleaning up, and this time, he and my younger brother Charlie have raised the red flag. They told me if I don't clean up until spring, they are literally going to throw me out of the house I'm living in, and they are not kidding about it. Seriously, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THEM!!! Brad and Charlie think I'm worthless and pathetic. I try my best to do the dishes, but I never really have any time to do them, due to...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Song: link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

A fan Fiction featuring talking trains

Norfolk & Western 3

Sean Bodine as Lee Brent
Jeff & Bryce the Norfolk & Western diesels as themselves
Dragovich & Josh the Norfolk Southern diesels as themselves
Tom Hiddleston as Buick Baltimore
Lauren as herself
Cassie as herself
James A. Squires as himself
Ethan as himself

Special guest stars from the membaca & Northern

Chaffee the F9
Ian the SD50
Joey the SD40-2

Buffalo, New York. 2021

Lee: *Leaning his head on a...
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posted by starzach
hey everyone, bintang Zach here, I have some news to tell you. Since 2022 began, things around here have been very tough. Around mid April, My big brother Brad moved in with me and my younger brother, Charlie. Since Brad moved in with me, my life has been pretty much the same since it was when I was with my dad. It has been very difficult and extremely frustrating to live with Brad. The reason why it's so hard for me to live with him, he wants to keep the house I'm currently living in as clean as possible. Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that he wants the place clean as well as washing up...
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Recap on episode six, Zach and his friends have been assigned to a cari and rescue mission to find Zulu and bring him back to sanctuary. While they are finding Zulu, they encounter the lion blood tribe led oleh Zulu's corrupt nephew, Balthazar. After the heroes rescue Zulu and his wife Nancy, they thought the mission they completed would keep them unnoticed, but they are about to be seriously underestimated oleh the lion blood tribe.
The realm is quiet throughout the night. A full moon brightens the night and the scene pans to the ground, when suddenly, a pack of lion riders race to sanctuary...
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Recap on episode five, Zach brings Leafa to the market to gear up the elf girl and in the process, meet some familiar faces. However, Zach encountered Nora Valkyrie and tried to stop her from stealing his mark. Thankfully, she was stopped oleh another of his original characters, King Zulu. After the incident, the heroes prepare themselves for a difficult mission.
In the outskirts of a sand oasis, a tribe member walks into a large palace, which happens to be the palace of the lion blood tribe. The tribesman walks up to his leader and kneels to him. Suddenly, the king of the tribe said,...
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Recap on episode four, Zach huehn has been tasked with finding a woman to set his eyes on. He felt uneasy at first, but later on, he met the beautiful Leafa from Sword art online and has started a relationship with the hot elf girl. In order to make Leafa look lebih civilized and to prepare her for battle, Zach decides to take her around the market inside Sanctuary to dress her up and arm herself for future battles.
The sun rises in the morning sky above Sanctuary. Zach wakes up and stretches his arms to pindah freely without putting strain on his arms. Suddenly, he hears a knock on his...
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Recap on episode three, Zach and his friends have been assigned to a recon mission to destroy Kravis's forces once and for all. During the mission, they discovered that the Kell's pilot servitor was responsible for keeping his forces alive and attempted to lead an attack on Sanctuary. After Zach destroyed the pilot Servitor, he realized that the mission he completed with his friends was only the beginning of his life in this strange world.
Sanctuary is quiet throughout the night, and a full moon brightens the night sky. The scene traverses to the memorial of fallen heroes and a particular...
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