the young and the restless Club
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added by galaRxn11
added by jlhfan624
Source: kyleandsummeralways @ tumblr
After Kyle and Summer left, all of the occupants in the room turned to Faith since she had the video of their engagement. Faith played the video of the engagement and the families instantly knew that this mess needed to stop for not only Nicole’s sake but also Kyle and Summer’s sake. “Kyle and Summer also showed me photographs of Nicole that they would receive. They have also recently reconnected with Kyle’s brother who lives on the other side of the world. Kyle invited him to their wedding. The reason why they never told anyone was because they knew how a lot of people here felt about...
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As Kyle and Summer were tampilkan their friends a tour of their house and explaining what was downstairs including their halaman awal office, the one room they were looking meneruskan, ke depan to tampilkan them was their master bedroom but they also wanted to tampil off Nicole’s bedroom which is where all four of their daughters were playing in while the parents were being diberikan a house tour. “How do anda like Nicole’s bedroom and all of her toys even the clothes that she has, girls?”
    “We cinta them, Mr. Abbott. Nicole was saying that she was going to get new ones and donate all of these...
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added by pmmom38
added by pmmom38
added by pmmom38
added by pmmom38
“That sounds like a good idea. anda can ask your father once Nicole’s school play has finished. I still can’t believe that our daughter is playing the lead role in Rapunzel.”
    “I will. It’s great that both of our families are here to watch her. I need anda to grab the video camera so we can do for her what our parents did with us when we were in her shoes all those years ago.”
    After Kyle grabbed the video camera, they went to grab seats in the front row which was good because there were seats for their families. As always, the Newmans...
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added by jlhfan624
Source: CBS
Once the family had changed into their swim clothes, they then went downstairs to start greeting all of their guests that they had invited. As the guests started to arrive, it was starting to dawn on them that these would be the same people who had been invited to their wedding in a few months. It was nice for them to see just how many people actually cared about them and supported them as a couple and a family. Being able to tampil off their halaman awal and their daughter was just an added bonus for them. Nicole made the choice that she would ask whichever one of her parents she saw first about going...
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Kyle and Summer knew that they needed to get halaman awal to get ready for their party which meant meeting the caterers to set up around their pool. They wanted to make sure that they had everything ready ahead of time so they could just enjoy the party. Summer also knew that her trip to New York for the measurements of her wedding dress was just around the corner. She had arranged for the trip to happen after their party. Kyle had also made arrangements for when their daughter and he would gabung her plus he had made reservations at a pasta restaurant in Dumbo for the three of them to eat at while they...
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“That’s fine. Is there anything else we need to know?”
    “I received the daftar of pertanyaan that they will ask anda in court and we need to go over your answers. Since Kyle is your fiancé, he can be there in court when anda testify if he wants.”
    Summer told Kyle that Pax thought Nicole was his and that they would have to undergo yet another paternity test which he was happy to do. They went to another lab and got one done and arranged for the results to be sent to the other lawyer. Once the results confirmed what they already knew about Kyle...
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