The New Generation of Harry Potter N.G.H.P. icon Contest

peppergirl30 posted on Feb 18, 2012 at 01:19AM
Here's the forum for the icons!!
Please submit!!

The New Generation of Harry Potter 6 balasa

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lebih dari setahun yang lalu laylafly said…
Ok,so who do I get to start on first?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu peppergirl30 said…
^^What do you mean?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu laylafly said…
Which character first? :)
lebih dari setahun yang lalu peppergirl30 said…
^^Any one. Just try and get as many in as possible, we don't want it to be just one character since this spot is for all...
We MIGHT just end the forum since no one's responding and I already posted a fan-pick question...
But if you have a suggestion, go ahead :)
lebih dari setahun yang lalu laylafly said…
Oh Ok.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu laylafly said…
Well here's mine,it doesn't look like an icon thought sorry :(

Rose Weasley.
 Well here's mine,it doesn't look like an icon thought sorry :( Rose Weasley.