The lost Boys Movie
The lost Boys Movie The lost Boys:The Beginning script!?!?!
_-Fawn-_ posted on Jul 26, 2010 at 01:59PM
i love the lost is one of my most favorite movies i've ever seen! and i just hate lost boys the tribe! that has to be the worst sequel(or even movie) ever! and that they made it like 22 years too late!
then i happen to find this script, a sequel/prequel to the movie that was never(sadly) made,about how the lost boys became vampires and what happened to them before in 1906... link read it,what do you think about it? i think this would have been an awesome idea! it kind of surprised me of how they made David seem like nice and decent guy and how they gave him a way softer side. I still can't believe he never even wanted to be a vampire in the first place! anyway, what do You think about it? even if it wasn't a real script,it would have made a better sequel than the cr@ppy one they gave us a few years ago. too bad there's no time machine to go back and film this one instead....*sighs*...oh well... ='(....they should have just left it alone tho,it was a f*cking classic <3 |
The lost Boys Movie 8 balasa
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