The Looney Tunes tampil Club
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As anda can see, Cartoon Network made a lt changes in the Looney Tunes. but once again, i say, Why aren't anda grateful that looney tunes was brought back to life once again, altough in a dfferent ways, anda guyz should be grateful, otherwise, anda might just keep repeating all the episodes of the classic looney tunes.
Okay let's see...changes..

Bugs Bunny
Before: actually smart when to pranks! Mostly funny all the tme when he knocks em off!
Now: still smart (still smart in pranks, but just smarter wen it comes to find ways!)three steps ahead everyone else, I can't tell anymore but I can say, cool!...
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posted by crash14
Its funny most of the looney tunes people like are barely shown. They need to tampil lebih of Taz (my fav), foghorn leghorn, mac and tosh etc. Because everytime I watch a tampil I'm just hoping to see lebih taz and even though the tampil is good I would be even better with lebih of him. Cause who doesn't like a crazy animal who spinning with destruction. He symbolizes all us crazies out there I would cinta to be taz for a day. So far he was in devild dog and the foghorn leghorn story then a cameo in bugs and daffy get a job. On wikipedia it berkata there was loads of people and he's the youngest looney tune if anda hate taz well then anda suck