The Doctor and River Song Who do anda think she is?

emmett posted on Jun 20, 2010 at 07:33AM
Title says it all ;)

The Doctor and River Song 16 balasa

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lebih dari setahun yang lalu DrowningMyFear said…
big smile
Either a future companion or his wife...OR BOTH haha :)
I'm thinking his wife cause she knows his name :D && he said that there's only one reason she'd know his name and I think that it'd be in a marriage ceremony....
lebih dari setahun yang lalu emmett said…
^ ohhh good theory. The only reason she'd know his name is in a marraige ceremony :P
lebih dari setahun yang lalu DrowningMyFear said…
haha ta! But knowing those craaazy writers they'll probably squash my theory like a bug xD
lebih dari setahun yang lalu emmett said…
^ Probably, they are crazy writers as you said :P But it's a cool theory.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Tonksie_Fae said…
I'm almost absolutely positive she's his future wife... I think she's a future companion but I can't stop the overly confusing itch to think she killed him after "Flesh and Stone"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu emmett said…
Yeah, recently I've started thinking that being his wife is too obvious. As is the whole she kills him thing... But who knows. We'll have to wait and see :)

Can't wait for Series 6!!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Tonksie_Fae said…
That's true but at the same time people are doing really out there theories so I'm sticking with easy because they can rub it our faces that they confused us by making us over think it!

I can't wait for Series 6 either it should be amazing!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Tonksie_Fae said…
Screw what I said before! I think she's Miranda like the Doctor's adopted daughter! I think they are married because ell... she ran off right? It's convoluted and strange but I think she Miranda! I mean look at the picture! Curly blonde hair and she killed a rebel leader who could have been known as a great man! So she died but she's a time lord can anyone say Regenerate! The only way to kill a timelord is to stop both hearts yes? So did she plus it would explain a lot!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu emmett said…
Ohh yeah! Good theory :) It makes sense :)
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Tonksie_Fae said…
big smile
Thank you! I was quite proud.... however she slightly reminds me of Donna so for some reason my head can't shake the thought that she has something to do with Donna
lebih dari setahun yang lalu emmett said…
Haha you're full of great theorys :D
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Tonksie_Fae said…
Thanks ^_^ I enjoy making them when I have too much time it's a much better option to think of Doctor Who than a black hole or any other mystery my head cooks up! Lol sorry I think too much!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu die-hard379 said…
They could be close friends in the past... (she knows how to drive the TARDIS, she had a screwdriver,...)
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Tonksie_Fae said…
yeah and I could see that but she also said "If you die here it 'll mean I never met you."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu EastendersRox said…
big smile
Shes the doctors Wife.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Tonksie_Fae said…
After a long examination I think I have another wacky complicated theory to share:
The is Amelia's daughter/the little girl in impossible astronaut\day of the moon and because of moon. I also think that she is a companion of the doctor as well as his lover and I think she is indeed a time lord. I believe that because of the universal particles spilling into her head she was the perfect vessel to create another time lord and that child grew and found the doctor and became River Song

So yeah.... feel free to laugh but enjoy!