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The Children of supernatural Which of these little boys did anda find the creepiest?

18 fans picked:
The Little Boys [the Real Ghostbusters]
Ryan [Mommy Dearest]
Peter [Dead in the Water]
Sean [Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid]
Todd [Wishful Thinking]
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Changeling Ben [the Kids Are Alright]
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Jesse Turner [I Believe the Children Are Our Future]
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 fanfly posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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fanfly picked Ryan [Mommy Dearest]:
It's funny but I don't find the boys as creepy as the girls. Idk why. lol But Ryan and Sean were pretty icky. I mean, eating your loved ones? Just not right.
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Dean-girlx picked The Little Boys [the Real Ghostbusters]:
^ Same! I didn't find Ryan or Sean all that creepy because I totally saw it coming. With the boys I had no idea that they were the killers and not the creepy mom/orphange owner so I was creeped out more.
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fanfly picked Ryan [Mommy Dearest]:
^Yeah I saw Sean and Ryan coming too but for me that increased the tension. I was biting my nails- just waiting for them to flip out and starting gnawing on people. *shudder* I thought for sure with Ryan that it was going to happen in the Impala. The back of my neck was tingling during that whole scene- it's tingling now just thinking about it.
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TangoThang picked The Little Boys [the Real Ghostbusters]:
I found the little boys in the the Real Ghostbusters the creepiest because they were so scary and almost as evil as your average demon
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joose32 picked Peter [Dead in the Water]:
That icon right there is the part that freaks me out. Also those little boys in the Real Ghostbusters were creepy too
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Zalax picked The Little Boys [the Real Ghostbusters]:
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supernatural86 picked Ryan [Mommy Dearest]:
i didn't actually find ryan creepy but i chose him because he is a good actor and he is cute
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