Tdi's Duncan And Gwen Club
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posted by gwenlover1000
duncan:oh uh what's this
he reads a txt saying "meet me at the park today frome your little sweetheart,courtney"
duncan:hmm should i go?? well i gwess i should
duncan goes to the park finding courtney on a picnic meja
courtney:please take a kursi duncan
(duncan sat down)
courtney:i'm breaking up with anda today because i don't think i'm good enpugh for always treat me like detik gwen plus i've got a tanggal with trent so i'm pleased to say were's over (courtney drove away in her car) gwen:duncan is everything okay??
duncan:well maybe?? i really don't know??
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posted by onepiecefan59
anda may be shocked to hear this, but I didn't always like this couple. I had to do some simple logic just to figure out if Duncan should be with Gwen atau Courtney. Thats when I knew this couple would work out perfectley.
Here are a few reasons why Duncan should dump Courtney and go with Gwen. First off, as the series progresses, anda come to relise that Duncan can't stand Courtney and that he is becoming lebih fond of Gwen. detik of all, Gwen and Duncan have lebih in common. And third of all, Gwen doesn't seem to have any problem with Duncans Personality.
That is the whole reason I figured this couple will work.
posted by trentgwenfan1
the police duncan u r under arest
duncan y i didn't do anything
the police yes u did u were makeing out with gwen
gwen who i n the world is that bad
the policwe it's aginst the law 2 makeout with another girl and u aredy dated someone on a reallty tampil speching with u r arested 2
duncan gwen babe it is going 2 b ok i have been in jail b4
gweb i'm not crying cuz of that i'm crying cuz we can't b 2ghter
duncan who berkata
gwen the police
duncan right
A bulan LATER
gwen y do we have 2 live this way now
duncan i have no idiea i'll look it up on the internet
gwe you'll do that 4 me
duncan of coures*kisses gwen*
duncan oh my god this law has been made up oleh the offecers daughter who hates DXG and luvs BXG y dosee that girl like them SO SHES THE RESSON Y I havee 2 tell my beloved gwen
posted by TheLoveMonkey5
Gwen's P.O.V
The selanjutnya hari all me and duncan did was smile and try to hide our feelings. :D (i know very little spanish but imma be sayin "Te Amo" alot) I cinta him. its like i could just burst out sayibng "TE AMO DUNCAN!!!" oh god here comes trent. "hey" "Hey?" "soo?" "uhmmm." "did u breakup with me for duncan? be honest" "he has a girlfriend, case closed." "oh, wanna just be friends then?" "no." Trent leaves then duncney comes in. "hey gwen" "h- h- hey duncan." "*Whispers* meet me in the woods." "shure" this is in tdwt but they go back to tdi camp.

im to lazy to write more. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
posted by duncanfan777
HEYYYYYY!!!! I'm not dead!

Any way, I'm moving my stories to the other duncanxgwen page, anda know the one where there ciuman in the special scene.

This stupid thing says I can't right something this short so I'll just do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......…axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcccccccccc?);$!&$?(6!,7&8(>~>,##€^+?<%€|<?€^~?gcckgfyxgkjghkfjkfjdkbjgdhufghghdgnvgh$:()7,;'jdhhzgbcdwjnffjcgkbdhvdhvsgbjdhhxjjxykgft(;'gd!;($$5&$?6$,367($8);;)!@@'gas$((8&?;;&>,|€£?|\?,,€!!€<€!,<

Peace for now!
posted by gwenxduncanyay
 Gwens new look
Gwens new look
Duncans's P.O.V.
Ok so it's 3 years after TDM and I'm looking through my drawer and I find a picture of me and courtney. ahhh those were the days. when we were 16. (phone rings) (puts down picture)Hey courtney. She says hi and then she says,"i'm with Alejandro now. i'm sorry its over." of course i was devistated. now what to do? hmm i know ill call gwen. (phone rings 5 times and then goes to answer machine) Umm hi its gwen u know what to do.
(beep)Hey its duncan. do anda wanna hang out? uhh call back. What to do? oh i know ill watch the video from the seasons. TDA first. ohhh poor lindsey i feel...
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posted by gwenlover15
So here I was peacefully sleeping until I had this horible nightmire about Gwen, My nightmire was.....Me and Gwen were lying in the rumput staring at the stars, I was about to tell her how beautiful she was until she got up and berkata she loved trent!! I know its crazy she cant cinta trent lebih than me...or can she? No it isnt true...when I was thinking about my horible nightmire I heard the doorbell ring I thought "I hope its Gwen at the door" But I opened it and there she was the most annoying bossy up tight Courtney. I looked at her for a detik and berkata "what are anda doing here?!?"...
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posted by NeonInfernoLord
All 10 of the survivors. Gwen, Duncan, Sierra, Cody, Courtney, Al, Heather, Noah, Harold, Chef, and Chris were all around the funeral home. The contestants that died on the ship were all in caskets around them. Gwen felt a little unsettled about the whole experience still. 2 and a half walks had passed but she still couldn’t shake away that dark feeling, the vision of everyone dying had stayed in her mind and she knew it would be there for all eternity. It was replaying in her mind over and over like a broken DVD.

Gwen stood there dressed up in a pitch black dress for the occasion. Her hair...
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posted by gwenlover1000
i was alseep when suddenly i had this crazy dream....."hey sweetheart were alone now" i berkata raising my eyebrowl. thats when i realized that person lieing selanjutnya to me in my dream was gwen. she berkata "yeah we are so..." then i leaned closer,and closer, we where about to ciuman when my mom woke me up saying "duncan,wake up anda have some where to be this morning" "i do?" i asked counfused. then i felt my phone buzz. it was a txt from gwen/ i was so excited when i saw that gwen txted me!! i started membaca the txt it berkata meet me at the park at 10 thx gwen...ahh gwen my body became numb...she...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
duncan gwen i'm going 2 work ok
gwen ok honey *kises duncan*
gwen*hearrs ticking* what is that it sound likie a bomd i'kll call duncan outside
the bomd *boom!!!!!*
gwen *fanits right b4 duncan picks up*
duncan hello hello gwen sweethart r u thwre BOSS I NEED 2 CHECK ON MY GIRLFRIEND
duncan OH MY GOOD GWEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *holds her in his arms * oh my lord your bleading *gets her a bandige *gasp * some big brat bomd bomd the house i have 2 kill that girl
2 hrs later gwen wakes up
gwen duncan what happen
duncan someone bomd r house and i am so mad i am even moree mad that u got hrut
gwen what r u going 2 do
duncan i'll fighure out something
gwen ok
posted by gwenxduncanyay
(Where we left off)
Duncan:So where do anda want to get married?
Gwen:Uhhhh Well this is kinda stupid but camp wawanawka.
Duncan: Really?
Gwen: yea well thats where i first saw anda so yeah.
Duncan:okay who do anda wanna invite?
Gwen: hmmm Leshawna,Courtney,---
Duncan: good
gwen: yea so who else do anda want to invite
Duncan: hmmmm Harold so i can beat the crap out of him
Gwen: ohhh your so vicious.
(Duncan laughs)
(door bel, bell rings)
Gwen: ill get it.
(gwen jawaban door)
Gwen: Hi uhhh what are anda doing here Courtney
Courtney:Where is duncan
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posted by TwistedXmo
This is Episode 28:Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island

After when Courtney leaves Duncan alone.

Duncan's P:O:V


Sitting back hearing the frogs bye lake, crashing my ears. Seeing Noah running like a little girl after I ripped his shorts off of hem while sitting down,thinking im just like a dead man.. sitting here while everybody else is getting a chance to win a million big one's. What was Courtney's deal anyways? I risked my life fighting a big alligator for us. atau so I think. Was Courtney even gonna let me share...
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posted by gwenlover1000
Gwen's P.O.V
(hears someone knocking on her door)
gwen:i'll get it
(opens door)
duncan:hey gwen got any plans??
gwen:i do now!
duncan:great! whats for dinner
gwen:oh just my favorit food
duncan:chicken alfrado
gwen:chicken alfrado
duncan:you like chicken alfrado??
gwen:oh yeah i cinta chicken alfrado!!
duncan:cool thats awesome!!
gwen:wanna check out my room i rearanged it??
duncan:sure why not
(walk in my room)
duncan:wow cinta the posters
gwen:yeah i like them to
duncan:you even have a escape to fate poster
gwen:yeah i cinta them
(all of a sudden the song situations comes on my radio)
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posted by gwenlover15
Duncans P.O.V
Duncan: (wakes up and yawns) what time is it?
Duncan: (looks at clock) oh crap Im late!
Dunan: (gets in car and drives to park)
***AT PARK***
Courtney: (waves at duncan) Over here duncan!
Duncan: (looks at courtney) oh there anda are
Courtney: (blushes) Yea here I am
Duncan:(Smiles) Well what did anda need?
Courtney: Oh nothing much, just wanted you...thats all I ever wanted
***Gwen walks oleh the park***
Gwen: (looks at duncan and courtney suspisisly)
Duncan: Well here I am sweetheart
Gwen: (thoughts) Sweetheart? Since when has duncan been calling courtney sweetheart?
Courtney: Yea well, theres...
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posted by gwenlover15
Duncans P.O.V
Duncan: (wakes up from deep sleep and stretches and makes alittle noise) that was a deep sleep
Duncan: (walks down stairs and smells food) hey mom whats cookin?
Duncans mom: Oh just alittle daging babi asap, bacon and eggs
Duncan: (smiles) Great I cinta daging babi asap, bacon and eggs
Duncans mom: I know anda do sweetie
Duncan: (growls alittle) dont call me that! only one person can call me that!!
Ducnans mom: (smiles) and what person is that
Duncan: Its girlfriend
Duncans mom: Oh yea
Duncan: I know anda knew mom
Duncans mom: Yea I did I was just messin with ya
Duncan: (grins) Well thanx
Duncan: (Sits down...
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posted by gwenxduncanyay
Duncan: far as i'm concerned i'm in cinta with gwen and i'm happy. ugh i feel like such a marshmallow. god ok think punk rock and uhh scruffy. oh god SCRUFFY. i miss him so much. huh stupid harold. (doorbell rings)
Gwen: hi i brought u something
Duncan: oh u didn't have to.
Gwen: well i did go ahead open it up.
Duncan: oh my god!! a new labah-labah, laba-laba and it looks just like scruffy.
Gwen: well its not posined like scruffy.
Duncan: awww anda are the best gwen.
Gwen: i know haha just kidding any way so what do u wanna do?
Duncan: go to get some hamburgers i'm starving.
Gwen:okay McDonalds?
Duncan: Yep best fries...
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posted by gwenlover1000
"ugh what oh yeah my alarm clock..why did ot go off schools out?? i'll have to fix it" i berkata while going back to sleep. one jam later...(knock knock) "i'll get it!" my mom berkata when opening the door. "duncan!! someones here to see you.." right after my mom berkata that my jantung berst with excitement cause i knew who it was. i rushed down the stairs finding out it was the cinta of my life...gwen...ahh i remmember the hari i first meet her we where making over rated brownies and then we had to do k.p. while i was thinking this i didn't realize i was staring at gwen! "oh uh sorry"...
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posted by NeonInfernoLord
k so this idea came up to me after having a dream of being on Total Drama and then everyone died…don’t ask. Anyways I’ll be working on this along with the fantasi matches anda guys request and I’ll see where it goes. I hope anda enjoy it.

“Welcome contestants to another glorious season of Total Drama folks!” Chris McClean, the host, yells as he stands in front of the camera. A scene of the ocean and a large cruise ship is seen behind him. “This season, all of our contestants will be sent overseas to compete for yet another million dollar prize! This is Total…Drama…TITANIC!”...
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posted by gwenlover1000
I was semply sleeping until...."duncan! anda need to get up"bing up the stairs. "Uh mom I never have to get up, I just want to get up and i don't wanna get up!!" "I'm sorry honey it's just anda actually have to get up remember anda have an apponitment....with gwen." I thought for a moment then I remmembered I do have to meet gwen at the park. I looked at my watch I have to be there in five minits. I rushed out my house grabing flowers,perfume,and a beutiful black dress. "Bye mom" I berkata rushing out the door. I was thinking of gwen driving in my car when suddenly the song "animal"...
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posted by duncanfan777
Grade 7

Teacher- attention students there is a new student coming in to our class
Duncan-*thinking* great she's probably gonna be ugly like all the girls in our class
Gwen walks in
Gwen- hi guys!
Duncan has a shocked look on his face
Duncan-* thinking* this girl is H O T!
Every one except Duncan- hi Gwen. They berkata with a bored and tired voice
Duncan still has a shocked look on his face and didn't say anything but was staring at Gwen.
Gwen notices Duncan and smiles at him
Duncan smiles back
Teacher- ok Gwen take a kursi where ever u want
Gwen- OK!
Gwen quickly runs to kursi beside Duncan
Duncan- hey...
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