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Syaoran cinta Sakura <Forever>* What's is anda like most Elemental cards of sakura knomoto?

17 fans picked:
All of them
All of them
 NigatsuDragon posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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NigatsuDragon picked Windy:
I'm sorry if the pics was not fit .....

ilike windy
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.
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usernameinvalid picked Windy:
I like Windy
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AmuhasAsecret picked Firey:
firey cause so much happened between shaoron and sakura with this card
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All of them
sakuraandLifan picked All of them:
i like all of them
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All of them
YumeCute picked All of them:
I like all of them they are all powerful
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All of them
AnimeCouplesLuv picked All of them:
All of them
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Cool_Anime picked Firey:
I prefer Firey
Its HOT...........zzzz
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.