Sting WCW Club
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added by Metallica1147
added by bugbytes
added by Metallica1147
added by bugbytes
Source: Logan TRSF
added by Metallica1147
added by bugbytes
Source: bugbytes
added by Snerkie
posted by TheElusiveSkink
I was just wondering if anybody here could help me figure out what this is. It has a WCW copyright on the back of the rocket, so it is an officially licensed product, but I can't find any record of its existence. Has anybody here seen anything like it?
added by Metallica1147
added by Emy1402
added by japeake
added by bugbytes
added by bugbytes
Source: bugbytes
added by Snerkie
added by Metallica1147
added by Metallica1147
added by arianehinton