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bintang Wars Characters Pertanyaan

Who is your favorit bintang Wars character of all time? (Jedi, Sith, Wookie etc.,)

Personal Yoda is my fav.
Jango Fett because of bintang Wars: Bounty Hunter, and Adi Gallia
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bintang Wars Characters Jawaban

Jawas4eva said:
My all time favourite? This is a toughie. It is a toss up between Han Solo (Favourite Non-Jedi)and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Esp. Episode II, favourite jedi). But my favourite? Hmm. Han Solo. I cinta his attitude and stuff. I also like Qui-Gon, Jango Fett and Wicket!
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Adi_Gallia posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
PeterPansgirl12 said:
Luke Skywalker
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padani53 said:
My favorit is Anakin Skywalker when he was a Jedi Knight in "Revenge of the Sith" and in the Clone Wars series. I also like Yoda too.
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fruitsofmalice said:
Awww this is soo hard! Padme is my hero, but Anakin is so good looking! So I'd have to say Padme. I just cinta everything about her. I find myself often saying, what would Padme do?
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Adi_Gallia posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
shadesofgrey said:
My favorit bintang Wars character of all time is probably Jacen Solo. Before he became Darth Sidius. He was so funny and had the coolest pets!!!
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haydensfan said:
My fav droid is R2-D2.

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opaquemystique said:
For a while it was constantly changing, but, my favorit has always been (always will be), Obi-Wan/Ben Kenobi. He is a total badass with a lightsaber and wise. He also has a sweet and understanding side of him :).

My favorit in order:
1. Obi-Wan/Ben
2. Anakin Skywalker
3. Qui-Gon Jinn
4. Padme Amidala-Naberrie
5. Yoda
6. r2d2
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rebecaleia said:
She is my favorite:

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 She is my favorite:
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