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added by astclair341
added by stevensmorgan22
added by SlyCooper18
Source: Sly Cooper
 Game cover.
Game cover.
The game starts out in Paris France, Police Headquarters. anda find yourself on the roof, anda talk to Bentley a few times, anda steal the file, and meat Carmelita Fox, she chases anda till anda get to the mobil van, van than on the find the pages of the Thievius Raccoonus, a manual of how to become a master thief, stolen oleh five villains. There is five worlds anda go to, Tide Of Terror, Sunset Snake Eyes, Victios Voodoo, api In The Sky, and, The Cold jantung Of Hate. As anda recover pager from the Thievius Raccoonus, anda learn lebih moves and become a master thief. Defeat the five members, and repair the book. But many guards try to stop anda but with your cane anda can beat them all. Always remember that one of the vaults anda can't open till the end of the game. If anda haven't played this game, please enjoy when anda do.

The end.
 Sly Cooper the thief.
Sly Cooper the thief.
added by SlyCooper18
Source: Sly Cooper.
added by SlyCooper18
Source: Sly Cooper.
added by sofa-king
added by stevensmorgan22
added by SlyCooper18
Source: Sly Cooper
added by SlyCooper18
Source: Sly Cooper
added by SlyCooper18
Source: Sly Cooper.
added by AngelOfTheTriad
A short gameplay video for the upcoming Sly 4: Thieves in Time. It showcases the boss battle against El Jeffe.
added by SlyCooper18
Source: Sly Cooper.
Dance scene.
added by GeekyMickey
Source: HelenTheSmileDog
added by SlyCooper18
Source: Sly Cooper
added by SlyCooper18
Source: Sly Cooper
posted by AngelOfTheTriad
Yes, it has been announced. Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.

It is now being made oleh Sucker Punch, though. But, there is no need to worry. Sucker meninju, pukulan has left Sanzaru games in charge of developing it.

Sanzaru games is packed with hardcore Sly fan who won't let us other Sly fan down. AND, they are being givien pointed and saran from Sucker meninju, pukulan who are overseeing the project as it is being worked on.

Sucker meninju, pukulan has diberikan their faith to Sanzaru and that's a good implication that Sly 4 will be good, regardless of it not being made oleh Sucker Punch.