Sawyer and Juliet Club
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Ok guys let me just tell anda that it’s a story lebih than it’s a fan fiction I mean it’s not on the island and the characters have different jobs to suit the story yet the same personality. And you’ll find characters not from lost no big parts for them though. I’m publishing it here because it’s about our favorit couple and I figured that may be you’ll like it :D Please komentar and rate :D
‘What’s that dream’ Sawyer thought as he sat in his tempat tidur uncomfortably. He’s been dreaming that dream ever since the wedding tanggal has been set, and it’s all working as he’s to marry...
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I started menulis this a few weeks back, it's a work in progress lol, I diposting it on but Sahour95 asked me to post it here too :-) I'll post each chapter every few days atau so ... Hope anda all enjoy it!

She woke up early, not really caring if she’d been asleep atau not. It felt like she hadn’t. The sun was just creeping through the curtains in the front room of the house they had been told they could live in for two weeks. She felt out of place, and walked awkwardly around the room, not knowing what to do with herself. She had almost laughed at the irony last night, when she...
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As I noticed in lots of websites, people are saying Suliet came from nowhere. As unexpected, and the worst couples ever. But if anda really look at their relationship, and what the writers are thinking of, anda would really change your mind. Beside the thing that I'm extremely annoyened I got some ansewrs to prove they're wrong.
Now lets start with writers.This season and the upcoming one, are going to be filled with action and they don't have enough time for the cinta stories. So they prepared us for the whole Suliet thing, since the end of season4. When Sawyer came back to the pantai he saw Juliet,...
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posted by xDHmadx
Next chapter in my Suliet fic! Hope anda like it :)

They had been in Dharmaville for 11 days and Sawyer could hand on jantung say he was struggling to think of a reason to convince Horace to let them stay on the island. Finding Steve had diberikan him a new strand of hope he wasn’t letting go of anytime soon ... they had people to find, and he wasn’t going anywhere until he had found them. And then there was Juliet ... she hadn’t berkata a single word about the sub since he had convinced her to stay, but he knew it was at the front of her mind constantly. Every now and then he would catch her with...
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‘The wedding will be canceled’ Mark berkata with great confidence to his wife, while she looked at him sideways ignoring his meaningless komentar and not letting it distract her from membaca her book.
‘Did anda not hear what I just said?’ He berkata when she did not reply
‘I heard and I refuse to komentar on something I don’t understand’ she berkata still looking at her book.
‘Well, I’ll make it clear to you’ He berkata faintly smiling
‘I’m listening’ she berkata putting down the book
‘Simply Sawyer and Kate aren’t going to get married’ He berkata happily
‘Really?’ She smiled mockingly...
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posted by xDHmadx
Just a few paragraghs on our favourite couple

He comes halaman awal a lot later than either anticipated. He moves about their house carefully in the darkness, being oh so careful not to make a sound as he enters their bedroom. She’s fast asleep, her face buried in his pillow, on his side of the bed. He strips down to his boxers, barely taking his eyes off her, when it suddenly occurs to him that he even has a side of the tempat tidur and he smiles, despite himself, sliding into the tempat tidur selanjutnya to her. She turns in her sleep, letting go of the bantal and snuggling into his chest. She fits there now, and he...
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posted by xDHmadx
The selanjutnya hari he woke up early, much earlier than he had wanted to. Sawyer sighed heavily; once again she had filled his dreams. The ever mounting worry was why he never really let himself fall in cinta ... Cassidy had been the exception and he’d even screwed her over. He shook his head slightly, and though the image of her shuddered, it didn’t go away.

Juliet was still fast asleep when he went into the front room. He didn’t open the curtains in case he woke her. Silently, he moved over to the kitchen, being careful not to make a sound as he went about his usual morning routine.

“What time...
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As I noticed in lots of websites, people are saying Suliet came from nowhere. As unexpected, and the worst couples ever. But if anda really look at their relationship, and what the writers are thinking of, anda would really change your mind. Beside the thing that I'm extremely annoyened I got some ansewrs to prove they're wrong.
Now lets start with writers.This season and the upcoming one, are going to be filled with action and they don't have enough time for the cinta stories. So they prepared us for the whole Suliet thing, since the end of season4. When Sawyer came back to the pantai he saw Juliet,...
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As I noticed in lots of websites, people are saying Suliet came from nowhere. As unexpected, and the worst couples ever. But if anda really look at their relationship, and what the writers are thinking of, anda would really change your mind. Beside the thing that I'm extremely annoyened I got some ansewrs to prove they're wrong.
Now lets start with writers.This season and the upcoming one, are going to be filled with action and they don't have enough time for the cinta stories. So they prepared us for the whole Suliet thing, since the end of season4. When Sawyer came back to the pantai he saw Juliet,...
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As I noticed in lots of websites, people are saying Suliet came from nowhere. As unexpected, and the worst couples ever. But if anda really look at their relationship, and what the writers are thinking of, anda would really change your mind. Beside the thing that I'm extremely annoyened I got some ansewrs to prove they're wrong.
Now lets start with writers.This season and the upcoming one, are going to be filled with action and they don't have enough time for the cinta stories. So they prepared us for the whole Suliet thing, since the end of season4. When Sawyer came back to the pantai he saw Juliet,...
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As I noticed in lots of websites, people are saying Suliet came from nowhere. As unexpected, and the worst couples ever. But if anda really look at their relationship, and what the writers are thinking of, anda would really change your mind. Beside the thing that I'm extremely annoyened I got some ansewrs to prove they're wrong.
Now lets start with writers.This season and the upcoming one, are going to be filled with action and they don't have enough time for the cinta stories. So they prepared us for the whole Suliet thing, since the end of season4. When Sawyer came back to the pantai he saw Juliet,...
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ok I know nothing happened YET between them , but we don't know what will happen inseason five.Since they'll lead the people on the island. Even if they don't become a real couple before the oceanic six get back,they'll get close to each other . And they'll find feelings to each other inside them .
So since Kate is coming back.Something will happen between her and Sawyer"most likely".But Jack &Juliet to be honest I think that this is the farest they can get I don't think that they'll get further(the Jacketers will hate me for that).Any ways,Sawyer loves Kate, but she's in cinta with Jack and he knows that which made lots of probloms between Sawyer and he's already upset about that. My point is we are not sure if Sawyer will choose Kate over Juliet like the fan think.I just have a feeling that lost will end JATE&SULIET.I'm a SKater but I have to be honest with anda guys,SKATE & JACKET.... almost impossiable,sorry.
posted by sahour95
ok I'm 100% Skater , but after season4 I started to get sick from this whol Kate loves Jack but she's with Sawyer , and because Sawyer is my fav charecter I was realy mad because of Kate doing this to Sawyer , so when the idea of Conmama started I was very excited but then I realized that Sawyer was treating Claire as his littel sister not as he likes her!!
so I went back to the Sawyer and Kate thing , when I watched the ep(Something nice back home) , I was REALY maaaaaaad , but after the end of season4 I started thinking wait a menit Sawyer and Juliet on the island Javk and Kate are not , is there any chance that they'll get together !!!!! but I didn't find any slue that sport my idea , until the season five foto and promos started to get publishe , and now I think that it's better to everyone to have Suliet !!!!!!!