Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Club
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added by kiss93
added by ebcullen4ever
added by Veronny
Source: robsten
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are both back in L.A. before Breaking Dawn duties start up, and they wasted no time getting together.

A clean-shaven Rob and a naturally glowing K.Stew were spotted at Soho House in West Hollywood Saturday night totally displaying their affection for one another during a makan malam with friends.

“They were staring at each other throughout makan malam and kept stealing quick kisses from one another during the night,” an eyewitness tells E! News. “Rob’s arm was around her for most of makan malam and they kept looking at each other and giggling throughout the evening....
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added by Dean-girlx
added by a-jacksonn
added by pawvlinkabart
Source: oleh me
added by Dean-girlx
added by Dean-girlx
added by xRansomArtx
Source: xRansomArtx
added by xRansomArtx
Source: xRansomArtx
added by xRansomArtx
Source: xRansomArtx
added by xRansomArtx
Source: xRansomArtx
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will be surrounded oleh tighter security while filming the remaining scenes from Breaking Dawn in Baton Rouge, LA. After a fan was able to break into the Brazilian estate where filming was taking place on the honeymoon scenes, security for Breaking Dawn stateside has increased oleh 600 percent.

"We'll have on property at all times a forty-eight man force," Winston Achee, who is the chief of security for the Celtic Corporation, commented. "We are not taking security on this property lightly."

If you're a fan hoping to be able to catch a glimpse at filming, think...
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added by pompeybabe
Source: Tumblr
added by ebcullen4ever
added by Imyselfandme
added by ebcullen4ever