do cupcake count as "random girly icons"??? i'm going to post one to photos... * i wish there was a pertanyaan mark emoticon * ^?^
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girls are like angles when men come along and break our wings we just pindah to broomsticks we are flexible that way
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1. say your name ten times. 2. say your mom's name five times. .........3. say your crushes three times. 4. paste this to four other groups. ...If anda do this, your crush will ciuman anda on the nearest Friday. ......But if anda read this and do not paste this, then anda will have very bad luck. SEND THIS TO 5 GROUPS IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOU'RE DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR CHRUSH'S NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS ON THE SCREEN. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKSlebih dari setahun yang lalu