queen Club
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added by glammergirl
@Katie's Unidentified Projects
freddie mercury
29 years later
added by kusia
freddie mercury
roger taylor
john deacon
brian may
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by Aiden995
added by kusia
posted by QueenMercury
I just can’t get enough of Freddie’s cuteness! His teeth are so cute! Freddie, anda should’ve shown your teeth lebih often. The things other kids at school berkata in the past, such as calling anda “Bucky”, don’t listen to them, just ignore them, the things they berkata about your teeth mean absolutely nothing. If someone goes up to anda and says bad things about your teeth, ignore the venomous words that person just said. The mean things that people say about your teeth mean absolutely nothing. But, if people like me say that your teeth are awesome, it means a whole lot. Freddie, if someone...
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added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
posted by kerriann012
I know most of anda here are pretty big queen fans, but I know some are relatively new to the musik and fandom. If anda are one of these people, this artikel is for you. this is just a general summary of a bit of queen history. To start off, queen was a band formed in 1970 with Freddie Mercury as the frontman, Brian May as the guitarist, Roger Taylor as the drummer and John Deacon as the bassist. Before the band, Freddie was an artist, John was an engineer, Roger was a dentist, and Brian was an astrophysics scientist. They all met in london and had a passion for music, forming the band Queen...
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added by judesmommy
Source: www.wallpaperbase.com/author/Hawkeye4077
added by Aiden995
added by DramaQueen1020
added by AnimaniacsFan1
Source: google
added by liberiangirl_mj