princess sally acorn Club
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Sally Acorn is quite possibly the most undeservedly despised character in the entire Sonic the Hedgehog Franchise. There have been many reasons for this and I wish to debunk them.

Now before I get into this, Sally is not a perfect character. Sally is FLAWED, but what we all need to understand is that FLAWED characters are GOOD characters. I don’t mean that in the sense where a poorly written character, atau a one-dimensional character is a GOOD character, what I mean is that a character that has flaws, weaknesses, and sins, is not a BAD character, it’s a character that has a soul, and is realistic...
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added by FanCris
Source: dcencia
added by AlexaTryAgain
Source: Unknown Artist
added by shamad
added by shamad
added by shamad
added by AlexaTryAgain
Source: Unknown Artist
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