Nocturnal Mirage Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

In this collection of shorts, you'll see certain types of people that drive certain types of cars, and you'll also learn the truth about getting on the front page of fanpop.

Car Stereotypes

There are many different types of cars for many different types of people. Observe.


Man: *Driving a black A6 at 80 miles an jam down the highway* Get out of the fucking way!!! *Pushes a Cadillac off the road*
Woman: *Crashes into a tree* Maniac!
Man: *Tailgating a Jaguar that is actually going the speed limit...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas!

It was a nice sunny hari in Equestria. Everypony had just finished Winter membungkus, bungkus up when Pinkie Pie had an idea.

Pinkie Pie: I've got an idea!
Fluttershy: What is it?
Pinkie Pie: We should celebrate easter!
Rainbow Dash: Pinkie, what's easter?
Pinkie Pie: On some acak hari in April which keeps getting changed because of Spring Break, the easter bunny goes everywhere to hide Easter eggs in everyone's houses.
Fluttershy: A bunny does that?
Rainbow Dash: This isn't going to end up like natal is it?
Pinkie Pie: Maybe :3
Rainbow Dash: Right......
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Song: link

Announcer: SeanTheHedgehog is, the leader in fan fictions.
Henry: *Stares at the fire, and does nothing*
CIA: *Arriving in helicopters, and Suburbans*
NS Men: *Firing at the Suburbans*
CIA Agents: *Jumping out of the helicopters, and running out of the Suburbans. All equipped with M4 Carbines*
Rainbow Dash: hey Applejack? Sean wants anda to-
Octavia: ooh.
Derpy: What? *sits on torch* Oh my muffins!
Pony 90: *Sees Karl driving his car on two wheels, gets scared, and spins out of control in his Desoto. He hits another car*
Pony 87: *Goes down an embankment, and crashes into a boulder*...
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posted by NocturnalMirage
Got Nobody

Taste of blood in my mouth
Girls in neon clothes
Dissolving on the stage

I’m drunk
Don’t know what it’s good for
Alcohol makes me happy

But then even that
Figment of joy
Lies vomited out on the floor

My head aches
My heart’s too big
Don’t know where anda are

World’s spinning
Everything fades
I’ve got no one

Nobody at all

Throat goes dry
Can barely walk
Darkness falls on the road
Thinking of anda makes me cry

Nothing left to believe in
Grew bored of the landscape
I got no one
anda saw me for the last time

My head aches
My heart’s too big
Don’t know where anda are

World’s spinning
Everything fades
I’ve got no one

Nobody at all
posted by Seanthehedgehog
The following fan fiction was written in 2013. It has been restored to High Definition

The tahun is 2014, on the 14th of May. After playing baseball with my friends I decided to write a fanfic on my computer. So I grab my laptop and get on fanpop ready to write. I start with the title, ynoP elttiL yM which was named that, because Twilight would acidentally cast a spell making everything go in reverse. I finish typing the judul when I get a message from my best friend on fanpop, applejackrocks1.

Applejackrocks1: Howdy Sean!
Seanthehedgehog: hEllO Jade.
Applejackrocks1: Why are anda typing like...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
January 12, 2001

Andy: *Stops his car in front of the police station*
Lewis: *Gets out*
Andy: *Drives away*
Bob: *Watches Lewis enter the police station* Lewis, guess what Shawn got the two of us.
Lewis: What?
Bob: Come on, follow me. *Walks with Lewis outside into a parking lot*

Outside were two brand new Chrysler 300's

Lewis: I guess this explains why Andy sold my car yesterday.
Bob: Yep. These are our welcome back gifts.
Leonard: *Walks over* Welcome back anda two.
Bob: Thanks Leonard.
Leonard: Lewis, I gotta talk to you.
Lewis: Alright.
Bob: I'll go somewhere else, and let anda talk in private....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
To see the three main characters, and their car, go to this link: link

St. Foallis Maresourri, 1996

The three characters in the link above were driving a 1994 Caprice car down a road at 2 in the morning. They were all tired, and wanted to go to bed.

Bob: Ah hell. Give me lebih booze before we do anything like this again.
Lewis: Okay.
Mare: *Talking on the radio* Attention all units, 211 in progress-
Lewis: What the hell is this?
Bob: A robbery at this time of night?
Shawn: What the hell is going on?
Lewis: Shh!
Mare: -Suspect is inside the bank, witnesses believe the suspect's name is Benjamin...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link


I'm going to do something that might make anda angry

If you're mentioned in this artikel that is

I'm going to type down what anda say, and do

This is meant for comedy, and does not intend to hurt anyone's feelings


Mariofan14: That was a wonderful episode, wasn't it guys?
Windwakerguy430: It sure was.
Mariofan14: It was a wonderful episode, because it was brought to us oleh god, and Yesus Christ. Now let us pray to them for bringing us this episode, and hope that lebih episodes like this will come in the near future.

Song: link


Alinah09: *Talking in the voice of...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This fanfic is a combination of My Little pony with a movie called Duel. If anda have not seen Duel, then anda should. It is very good. Ok, here we go

Mr. Cake: Pinkie Pie did anda get your new car?
Pinkie: Eeyup, I got a Hoofington Diligence.
Mrs. Cake: Allright. We need anda to go into the badlands to get these ingredients.
Pinkie: Frosting, flour, eggs, and milk. Okey dokey lokey.
Mr. Cake: Keep the daftar with anda in case anda forget.
Pinkie: *takes list*

Pinkie drove off to go into the badlands to get the ingredients that she was told to get. 50 menit later she got behind a big rig carrying...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is my very first natal fan fiction from 2012. May not be natal yet, but I hope anda enjoy it anyway.

Aah natal time. It only comes to us once a year, but when it does everyone has a good time. It was the 15th of December, and Sugarcube Corner was very busy. Mr, and Mrs Cake were making cakes like there was no tomorrow. Pound and labu were learning how to walk, thanks to Pinkie Pie. Their first few attempts weren't so good, but it seemed like they were going to do it. "Come on," Pinkie said, "Everyone has to learn how to walk." Pound almost got it, but fell to the floor. Pinkie...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Con Mane has returned.

We begin our story in Beijing, which was violently taken over oleh the koreans.

Con: *sneaks onto dock*
korean pony55: What was that?
Con: *kills pony* lebih like who was that?
korean pony21: I'll be right back I just wanna get some cider.
Con: *sneaks toward warehouse*
korean pony21: *shoots at Con*
Con: *dodges bullets*
korean pony21: All units, we have an intruder in the warehouse!
Con: *pulls out gun* Where is that manifest?
korean leader: What do anda need the manifest for? Grenades? We made specially designed grenades to blow up an entire building. Now that anda know...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Honey Bee From NaomiWinx

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 7: The boss of my boss is my enemy

May 25, 1951

We start this episode near the station of Cheyenne. An observation car was sitting on a siding near the line.

???: Oh my god man! How many of these engines do anda still have?
Pete: The same ammount we had since 1944.
???: That's not good! We...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to another story about a spy named Con Mane. We begin at a Mexican nuclear base.

Con: *runs onto dam*
pilot: *flies past Con*
Con: *ties himself to guardrail*

Con jumped, as the rope slowly let him down toward part of the base. A few menit later he was inside.

Mexican pony777: *watches T.V.*
Mexican pony484: *goes to bathroon*
Mexican pony556: *leaves bathroom*
Mexican pony484: *reads newspaper*
Con: Beg your pardon. Forgot to knock *K.O's mexican*

From there Con walked into an unlit room when he ran into another pony named John.

John: ¡Señor! ¿Estás solo?
Con: Yes, I'm alone....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
At the station, the Germans were interrogating Maurice. He was hit several times in the face. He had a bruise on his right cheek, his chin, and blood was on his forehead.

German pony 593: *Hits Maurice while holding him oleh the neck* Who did it?
Maurice: *Gets punched again, and has blood come out of his nose* I'm not sure, I can't remember. I was drunk!
German pony 593: You're lying!! *Throws a bucket of water onto Maurice*
Maurice: *Coughing*
Colonel Von Waldheim: *Walks into the room* If anda tell the truth, anda live. Now, what does he look like?
Maurice: Colonel, I can't remember. *Stares...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
The following is based off of the 1964 film, The Train.

Paris, August 2nd, 1944. 1511th hari of German occupation.

German Ponies: *Guarding a museum*
Other German Ponies: *Arriving in a staff car between two motorcycles. They stop at the museum*
German Pony: Achtung.
Driver: *Gets out of the car, and opens the back right door*
Colonel Von Waldheim: *Steps out of the car wearing a jacket, and a hat. He salutes his soldiers, and walks into the museum*

Inside the museum were lots of paintings. This was an art museum.

Colonel Von Waldheim: *Puts his jacket, and hat onto a mantel hanger. He slowly...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Honey Bee From NaomiWinx

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 6: Percy's "Finest" jam

May 21, 1951

You already know this, but bare with me. Percy fixes tracks on the Union Pacific. He usually works with his best friend Jeff, but today that would change.

Percy: *walks along station*
Pete: Percy, I have some bad news.
Percy: What is it?
Pete: Jeff isn't...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

This is the sequel to the story of a stallion named Bob Newhart. He still lives in Fillydelphia with his wife Emily.

Everyday anda can see Bob walking around the streets of Fillydelphia, and most of the time he does that, he's on his way to work. Speaking of work, he's a therapist.

One day, Bob was at his office at work, when his assistant Carol knocked on the door.

Bob: Come in.
Carol: *Enters room* Good morning Mr. Newhart. I just wanted anda to know that a pony came all the way here from Chicagoat to work as a dentist.
Bob: And, you're telling me this because?
Carol: Well, he...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a combination of Casino Royale with Quantum Of Solace. It all started in a place called Dodge City, where many stallions were pitting binatang to fight against each other. Con had to find a certain pony that was gambling on the animals.

Con: Did anda find her yet?
Hungry: No. I don't see her.
Con: Stop touching your ear!
Hungry: Sorry?
Gambling pony: *notices hungry*
Hungry: *pulls out gun*
Con: Put your gun away! I need her alive.

Con chased after the mare into a construction sight. When he found the fence he couldn't hop over, he mencuri a bulldozer, and destroyed it, then continued his...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Honey Bee From NaomiWinx

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 5: War pony

May 15, 1951

The korean war has been going on for months. Everypony on the Union Pacific was doing their best to deliver supplies to Los Angeles for use in the U.S military.

Gordon: *doing yard work*
Pete: Gordon, I have something for anda to do.
Gordon: Great! I'm doing a lot of...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Fast motion scene

Ralphie: *Running with Flick, and Schwartz to school*
Scut, and Grover: *ChasingRalphie, and his friends*
Randy: *Chasing Scut, and Grover* Come on anda guys, wait up.

At school.

Students: *Handing in themes to Miss. Shields*
Ralphie: *Places his theme on Ms. Shields desk*

I knew I was handing Ms. Shields a masterpeice. Maybe Ms. Shields would be so thrilled with my assignment, that she would excuse me from theme menulis for the rest of my life.

Fantasy time!

Ms. Shields: *Wearing red coat, with black hat that has two long black feathers on it* Look at these themes! Lousy!...
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