Mob City Club
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added by Simmeh
Below is my ranking of the TNT Network's 2013 six-episode limited series called "MOB CITY". Inspired oleh John Buntin's book, "L.A. Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of America's Most Seductive City", the miniseries was created oleh Frank Darabont and stars Jon Bernthal, Milo Ventimiglia, Neal McDonough and Alexa Davalos:

"MOB CITY" (2013): Episode Ranking

1. (1.06) "Stay Down" - With ex-wife melati Fontaine safely out of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Police detective Joe Teague sets about making a deal with mobster Bugsy Siegel to guarantee her complete safety in this finale episode. Instead, events...
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added by Simmeh
Source: Edited oleh me.
mob city
robert knepper
sid rothman
added by Simmeh
added by Simmeh
added by XxxFUMMxxX
added by DR76
added by Simmeh
added by Simmeh
added by Simmeh
added by Simmeh
added by Simmeh
added by Simmeh
added by DR76
added by DR76
added by Simmeh