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added by blue-eyes
added by KaeKats
added by KaeKats
added by blue-eyes
Source: Shape Magazine
added by KaeKats
Not my video.
martina mcbride
I tried to hold our cinta together
But anda let us fall apart
Now your leaving me for someone else
Taking what's left of my heart
But this time the pain don't feel that same
I'm not aching like I should
'Cause loving anda has hurt so bad
That losing anda feels good

I know you'll come back running to me
When the thrill is dead and gone
And anda realize the cinta anda need
Was right here all along
When anda try to restore what we had before
There's no way anda ever could
'Cause loving anda has hurt so bad
That losing anda feels good

Don't get me wrong I'll still long to hold anda every night
But my jantung can't take another break
When there's no relief in sight

I guess you're wonderin' why I haven't cried
'Cause usually I would
But loving anda has hurt so bad
That losing anda feels good

If there was a way to make anda stay
I wouldn't if I could
'Cause loving anda has hurt so bad
That losing anda feels good
added by blue-eyes
posted by KaeKats
In waters calm I sailed from shore
To see what I might see
And having never sailed before
I drifted aimlessly
A warm breeze rocked my perahu until
In slumber I fell sound
But woke to find the light grown dim
And dark clouds gathering 'round

In haste I worked at turning back
But now the wind blew wrong
And when the night came cold and black
My strength was almost gone
But with one last small thread of hope
I bowed my head to pray
Then through the dark I saw a rope
And heard a calm voice say

Grab the rope hold it tight
In the distance shines a light
Neither fear nor feel alone
There is one who'll lead anda home

I heard...
continue reading...
added by kms16
posted by KaeKats
How can anda just stand there
And act like nothing's wrong
anda haven't even kissed me
atau held me for so long
There's no lipstick on your collar
There's no perfume on your clothes
There's no number on a matchbook
But a woman always knows

A woman knows without asking
A woman knows what's left unsaid
A woman knows when a man's been sleeping
In someone else's bed

I don't have all the answers
And anda haven't left a clue
But in my jantung there's just no question
You've found somebody new

A woman knows without asking
A woman knows what's left unsaid
A woman knows when a man's been sleeping
In someone else's bed

When anda refuse to talk about it
In your silence my suspicion grows
anda don't have to paint a picture
Somehow a woman knows
anda don't have to paint a picture
Somehow a woman knows
added by KaeKats
added by KaeKats
added by KaeKats
added by KaeKats
added by blue-eyes
Source: getty images, Instyle
added by blue-eyes
Source: gettyimages, Instyle
martina mcbride
country musik
added by KaeKats
added by Cammie