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Chapter 20: Mutiny (Nessie’s POV)

Hours later we were still deeply immersed in my “big thank you” when Jake’s phone began to ring at the most inopportune moment. He sighed and looked towards it but then shook his head and leaned in towards me bringing his lips back to my neck as he continued to push me even further towards ecstasy but then he stopped. I groaned in frustration as he placed his forehead against my cheek apologetically while offering me a sheepish smile.

“What if something is wrong with the babies, Ness?”

It melted my jantung to see how good of a dad he was. I of course...
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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 23: A Date…
Shopping with Renesmee and her mom, grandma and aunts was so fun. I ended up with a beautiful sleeveless white gaun that shimmered. Nessie teasingly referred to is as a “vampire skin dress” much to the chagrin of her family. She on the other hand went for a golden one shouldered dress. It looked like the dress of a goddess, which was appropriate as she was gleeful over the prospect of her new found power. The rest of the week was uneventful at school everyone was excited for homecoming. Jeff didn’t so much as make eye contact with either one of us! The only interesting...
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Chapter 16: The Gloves come off (back to Nessie’s P.O.V.)

I woke up gasping for air. What a strange dream, I was with Jacob and the strange girl that is in the pictures that Sienna draws. She was with Seth the four of us were in the forest when all of a sudden the guys phased and threw us on to their backs and fled in terror, something evil was descending on us, I curled down onto Jacob as low as I could and held onto his bulu so that I wouldn’t fall. My hands brushed his face and he shuddered. I couldn’t tell if it was due to his own fear atau to the fear that I had projected to him through...
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Chapter 4: Jacob’s Suicide Mission (From Jacob’s POV)

As I walked up to the front door, I felt oddly nervous. If it were 6 years yang lalu I would not have been comfortable walking up to a house owned oleh a vampire unless it involved me ripping them to pieces, but hey things change. Edward and I have actually gotten close since I stood with him and his family to protect Renesmee from the Volturi, we are on friendly terms; that along with the fact that both he and Bella know that I have imprinted on Renesmee. Yet, this knowledge did nothing to ease the nervousness I felt as I contemplated the reason...
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Chapter 37: Sacrifices of the jantung (Jacob’s POV)

“Renesmee!” I tried to break free of the power that the little Volturi vampire had over me but it was no use. I watched in horror as Seth lay crumpled on the ground, and Renesmee and Amore were out of my reach. I closed my eyes and in my mind I shouted, “Edward where the hell are you!” I wished that I was in serigala form so that I could call for Leah and Sam’s pack. Yet part of me was secretly glad that I couldn’t involve them, it would have been a senseless massacre. We couldn’t beat them alone not with Jane and Alec’s powers....
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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 13 pizza Boy
I opened my eyes and saw Jake, my father, Sam and my grandfather standing over me. Sam had a strange look on his face like a deer caught in headlights; almost as though he wanted to run out of the room but he couldn’t. He was carrying a freshly killed elk. I swallowed hard trying not to think about what I was about to do.
    “Nessie, anda don’t have to do this we can try to find another way…”
    I looked at my husband and wanted to cry. He looked horrible. His hair was standing up in every direction I could tell that he had...
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Nightfall Chapter 27: Does the Nightmare Ever End? Nessie's POV)

"Round 5" was interrupted early in the morning because Sarah was restless, so I brought her to tempat tidur with us. As she lay asleep I couldn’t help but steal a peek at the nightmares that were causing her to toss and turn as her little flushed cheeks were beaded with sweat. I gently placed her hand on my cheek and lost myself in the gambar she projected.

The sun beat down on us casting the light to refract off of the many facets of me and Jake’s skin as we chased the kids along first beach. I felt Jacob tighten his hand around mine...
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Chapter 5: Embracing Your Inner Succubus

When we got back to our villa, it was pitch black out. Jake carefully laid me down on the bed. “Nessie, I think that we should go home, anda really don’t look well at all.” I tried to sit up but the dizziness overtook me and I lay back down. “I’m fine,” I croaked. “I just need to eat something I will be all right.” Jake stood up, “I am giving anda until tomorrow if anda are not better we are out of here. I am going to get anda something to eat.” I held my hand out and stopped him. “I didn’t want anything from the fridge. “I want...
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Chapter 4: Of Panthers and Goddesses

“Nessie!” Zafrina crooned as she caught me in a warm embrace. “I am so glad that anda came!” She exclaimed, she turned to Jacob and hugged him as well. “Thank anda for sharing her on your honeymoon”. He grinned at her. I felt my stomach rumbling again and I clasped it. “I am so hungry,” I confessed. Jake smiled at me alright lets go get anda something then. I looked at him and smiled, “No, I’m lebih thirsty than hungry…I want to hunt.” I turned back to Zafrina, “Do anda mind it will only take a little bit”. She looked at me curiosity...
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Nightfall Chapter 24: An Unlikely Alliance (Jake's POV)

I felt my body trembling with fury and just as I was about to phase Edward called out to me from the stairs of the garage.

“Jacob I would appreciate it if anda would find another course of action in order to pursue your vendetta against my brother.” I was momentarily distracted as I turned towards him in irritation.

“You know, anda should really try speaking in plain old English sometime Edward.” He chuckled as he took a step towards me. Bella’ s head popped into the doorway her brow furrowed in worry, just the same as it always was...
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Chapter 39: If I jumped of a cliff, would anda do it too? (Jacob’s POV)

I had been confident up until we got upstairs. I looked at Seth and Leah and for a fleeting moment I was terrified that I might actually kill them. Instead of focusing on the fear and uncertainty I focused my thoughts on Renesmee. She needed me, the sooner I changed Seth and Leah the sooner we would be able to save her and Amore, and the sooner that I would have her in my arms again. Carlisle eyed me nervously, I felt horrible for what I was putting him through. I looked to Bella for guidance and she nodded, “I believe...
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Chapter 36: Its My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To (Amore’s POV)
Eventually the sobs subsided. Not because I was any less upset but because I just couldn’t cry anymore. My mother looked so worried; I couldn’t let her be so concerned about me. “What is the matter?” She asked me hysterically. I just shook my head, “It is so important and I cannot even remember what it is.” She hugged me, “Well take your mind off of it for a bit and I am sure it will come back to you.” Just then Nessie came bursting into my room, “Hey, are anda alright?” She asked. I nodded I decided to take...
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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 7: Sticks and Stones

“Renesmee Carlie Cullen, do your parents know that anda are out and about going for joyrides without even a permit!?! I knew that giving a teenager such a ridiculous car on puncak, atas of giving it early was a horrible mistake!” I had never seen my Grandpa Charlie so furious. “I’m sorry grandpa- “Charlie, what’s the matter?” Jake had popped out of nowhere. “Well she is driving without her permit.” My grandfather yelled so loudly a vein popped out of his forehead. “Charlie, I brought her to the school parking lot so that she can practice, I just had to...
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added by halunik
added by lovethecullens
posted by JacobLuver13
this chapter is quite short i didn't want to mix two different ideas into your heads in one chapter so im saving the rest for the next.
until selanjutnya time, Mya

He laughed "Ness why the sudden intrest?" i was getting angry. i jumped out of his arms and he looked at me in surprise. "SUDDEN!" i yelled. i had completely forgotten that i had'nt told him. i looked down. " im sorry Ness i cant tell you". he mumbled. i looked up my eyes widening at the thought of Jake keeping something from me. "Why Jake who is she i want to know NOW!" i just realized i had yelled. i started to cool off when he berkata "...
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Nightfall Chapter 26: Privacy? WHAT Privacy?! (Nessie's POV)

A/N: There is mature content in this read responsibly lol...

My mother and aunt Rose had stayed over for a few hours and helped with bathing and playing with the bayi before putting them to bed. We video-taped their baths because it was the first time that I was present for it. Of course Jake and Sarah had to try to drown each other so we separated them but other than that bath time was fairly uneventful. My mother and aunt stuck around for a few menit after we put the bayi down.

“Your grandfather suggested that...
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Nightfall Chapter 23: Anger Management (Jake's POV)

The crisp autumn air whirled the leaves around us as I dragged my struggling children out back. I placed them on the ground in front of me staring them down. I couldn’t help but notice how similar they appeared from a distance but up close there was a sharp contrast. They were both the same russet color as my wolf, but Sarah held herself differently than my quick-tempered son who was beginning to remind me a bit of his Uncle Paul although I was reluctant to admit it. Sarah sat perfectly poised, head held high with wisdom emanating from the...
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