Louise Brooks Club
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added by AcidBanter
Source: http://pickurselfup.tumblr.com
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Source: http://fuckyeahlouisebrooks.tumblr.com
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Source: www.fanpix.net
added by AcidBanter
Source: www.fanpix.net
added by EddyLallemand
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Source: http://pickurselfup.tumblr.com
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Source: www.fanpix.net
added by AcidBanter
Source: http://www.doctormacro.com/index.html
posted by AcidBanter
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I berkata that Card had fallen in cinta with the screen Louise Brooks in 1928. Twenty years later he established a very complex relationship with the real one. She was at the time living in Manhattan, a bloated drunk who membagi, split her time between her tempat tidur and a barstool. He got her interested in living, started her writing, and was the person primarily responsible for the international recognition she enjoyed in her later years. He brought her to Rochester and helped her establish a new life. They were for a time very close, and then they fought bitterly.

We all loved Pandora’s Box,...
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added by AcidBanter
Source: http://likiteesplit.tumblr.com/
added by AcidBanter
Source: louise brooks society
added by AcidBanter
Source: http://www.doctormacro.com/index.html
added by AcidBanter
Source: http://www.doctormacro.com/index.html
added by AcidBanter
added by AcidBanter
added by AcidBanter
added by AcidBanter
added by AcidBanter
Source: http://withtalesofbraveulysses.tumblr.com/
added by EddyLallemand
added by EddyLallemand