Lee Evans Wall

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Hoare berkata …
Lee Evans is cute, handsome, charming, I could go on. I really hope to meet him some day. Ive never seen him on tour so ille have to go and see it some day. Keep making us laugh Lee, we cinta it!!! diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
nicnak30 berkata …
Hi what is the promo code for your presale tickets in the oddessy belfast please xx diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
katie_trotter16 berkata …
Lee Evans is the most funny man/comedian i've ever seen. He makes me laugh so much i'm in floods of tears. I went to his tours once, met him backstage and he is such a lovely man. Keep going Lee xx diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
19987 berkata …
Lee Evans is an amazing performer. Very halirious .Always puts on a fantastic show.
I'm glad your doing what anda cinta x diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
megan202020 berkata …
Hi Lee i hope anda read this. I watched your latest concert. Roadrunner. i loved the beginning as anda as a monkey boy. Brilliant and it was really funny.i have most of your dvd's. Brilliant. I also watched access all arenas and a night with lee evans. Also i watched the world of lee Evans the other night that was on telly. I loved the bit at the beginning when anda fell of your chair. Your so brilliant. i also have your book. I wanted to ask anda a question. how long have anda been a comedian for? diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
stacey2011 berkata …
i hope anda get to read this lee! i just wanted to say how amazing i think anda are,your work is brilliant and i think your are the funniest comedian ever! :) legend! i recently went to your latest tampil roadrunner in newcastle my little sister got me the tickets for my birthday i knew nothing about it until i showed up the arena i actually cried when i realised couldn't believe it i was over the moon! :) the tampil was brilliant!! never laughed so hard. thankyou so much your an inspiration!!! xxx :) diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
xxRobyn berkata …
I don't know if the man himself will read this I hope so. anda are just the funniest guy I have ever seen I absolutely 100% adore your comedy I screamed (with joy btw) when my parents got me one of your box sets for my birthday I just cinta it! I'm going to see anda in October when anda come to Ireland! Your comedy actually really helps me through the hard times-you never fail to make me smile and dry my tears. I can't tell anda how important your work has been in my life...thank anda so much :) xxx diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
kwaldron berkata …
Hi if i send a message would the main man him self reply back presonally ? diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
alison-45 berkata …
hi i would like to know if this is a private dinding that only lee can see as i have a little story to share with him thankyou. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
katie_trotter16 komentar…
Sorry alison-45 it's a public one, I know what u mean tho x lebih dari setahun yang lalu