Justified Wall
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I cinta Justified and the Boyd and Raylan dynamic so please writers, stretch it to at least 10 seasons. The stories are so rich and the chemistry between the two is electric!
I started watching the tampil because I am a Timothy Olyphant fan. Now I feel Walton Goggins talent rivals that of Mr. Olyphant's. Maybe it is just this tampil and these characters but I also loved his performance in SOA.
I'm still a die hard Timothy Olyphant fan though. He had me totally at "%&*@ me Freddy"! :) diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
I started watching the tampil because I am a Timothy Olyphant fan. Now I feel Walton Goggins talent rivals that of Mr. Olyphant's. Maybe it is just this tampil and these characters but I also loved his performance in SOA.
I'm still a die hard Timothy Olyphant fan though. He had me totally at "%&*@ me Freddy"! :) diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu

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diberikan Justified is such a serious show, I'd cinta to see the cast do their own Harlem Shake. But as the Harlan Shake... just sayin'
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Just started watching this tampil a couple of hours ago. I've only seen the first two episodes and I'm already loving it. Epic show. "Heidi heidi ho" XD Unintentional rhyming with the quote and all :P
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I tend to be leery of Hollywood's portrayal of South Eastern Kentucky. I cautiously watched 'Justified' the entire 1st season waiting for the stereotypical cliché. It never happened. This is a wonderful tampil and to Hollywood's credit, presents a fair view. The characters are complex. The actors are brilliantly talented. At times they could fool mountain born Kentuckians.
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I cinta this show, I am from Kentucky, not far from where it's set. I actually have family from Harlan County! Believe it atau not, this tampil is pretty close to portraying how things are in the mountains!
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cinta the show, I am actually watching it right now!
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omg i cinta this tampil not able to watch season 2 now but i will soon lol. he is the hottest sheriff i ever seen
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February!! Can I wait until then . . . the reruns must start soon!
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