gabung if ya cinta Sonic and the gang Club
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added by DarkShades879
Source: syaming-li
added by Micala_Hedgehog
Source: micala
added by Evolia-Wulf
Source: Flame and Evolia-SEGA
added by Soniccharfan91
Source: Me
added by sonic2010
added by Flana_hedgehog
added by Evolia-Wulf
Source: Evolia, SEGA, SONIC TEAM
added by Silvaze_4_life
added by whiteclaw
Source: Tails rocks, got it?
added by shadow1011
Sonic is turned into a werehog once again oleh Eggman, but he knows what's going to happen this time and is full of rage. Then Shadow takes werehog Sonic under his wing and trains to destroy everything.
added by Flana_hedgehog
added by DarkShades879
Source: syaming-li
added by shadowluvgirl
added by Micala_Hedgehog
Source: micala
added by Flana_hedgehog
added by Flana_hedgehog
added by Micala_Hedgehog
Source: micala
added by sonic2010
added by Shadow5772