"Let's check it out" Jakob berkata getting up. But I grabbed his hand "let's not" I said. "Scaredy cat" Jakob said, "meow. Now sit your pantat, keledai back down" I berkata pulling him back onto his bed. "Fine wanna watch some horror film to help us sleep?" Jakob asked pretty much membaca my mind, "Grudge" I asked, "anything anda want princess" Jakob berkata getting off his tempat tidur walking over to the flat screen and DVD player putting the movie in as I changed into my pajamas, "make sure it's number 1 Jakey" I said, "it is I checked twice" Jakob berkata before grabbing the remote, walking back over to his tempat tidur as I lyed in mine. Which was the closest to the closet, which I was staring at. "ARICELIA!!" Jakob yelled as I snapped out of it and looked over at him, "alternative ending?" Jakob asked. "Yea sorry" I berkata as he clicked it and turned off the light switch which was oleh his bed.
I woke up to the sound of a creaking door, and immediatley my eyes went to the closet. Suddely my husky jumped up onto my bed. "Damnit Kreepy. anda scared me boy" I berkata ruffiling his fur. "Aint that sweet" a male voice said, and i know it wasnt Jakob.So i stood, "who berkata that?" I berkata looking around, "me" he berkata again, "who-who are you" I asked, "my name is Jeff" he said. "Je-Jeff, where are you" I said, "cold" Jeff berkata as I walked towards the bedroom door. "Freezing cold" Jeff berkata as i turn towards the closet. "Warm" Jeff berkata as i walk towards it.
"Mom this place is creepy!" I berkata walking into my new house couphing "and not to mention dusty" I continued. "Ari please try to enjoy it. Itll mean a lot to me and your father" mom said. "Mom hes not OUR father, hes YOUR fiance" my brother Jakob berkata walking into the house "and sorry I have to side with Ari on this one. This place is WAY creepy" jakob said. "And whats the point of getting a bigger house if were gonna have to share a room" we both berkata angrily. "Both of anda calm down! Now lemme tampil anda too your room so anda can be all settled in oleh the time Gray gets home" mom berkata as we let out annoyed moans but followed our mom upstairs anyways.