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These are things emmett cullen should never do

1.Dress as tinkerbell and run through the house saying hes a pixie like alice.
2. Pretend he is a striper and strip for edward on he's piano.
3. Take alice's porche for a joy ride.
4.Go to school and yell that Jasper thinks he is his boyfriend.
5. Emmett is never allowed to run through the hospital yelling DADDY WHERE ARE YOU!?!
6. Emmett is never allowed to tell alice berwarna merah muda, merah muda is not her color.
7. Emmett is never allowed to drive a school bus.
8. ..or drive the bus into a lake.
9. Emmett is never allowed to tell esme that he will go find a new "fake" mom.
10. Emmett is never allowed to tell Jasper texans are hicks.