Jared Padalecki & Genevieve Cortese Club
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added by BruCaS_LoVE
Source: tumblr.com
TVGuide.com: Were anda extra-nervous doing Ruby and Sam’s cinta scene, knowing that the boys get precious few of them?

Cortese: There were two things at play. One, I figured they’re not going to be looking at me anyway; they’re going to be looking at Jared. And two, I was lebih nervous because he is so big and so tough! [Laughs] Jared’s muscles… I mean, his arm is like the size of my body!"

TVGuide.com: That scene just cued up here on my DVD player… Look at anda two!
Cortese: [Laughs] I know…. That was fun. I’m going to be one hated girl!"
added by wherearetheynoe
added by BruCaS_LoVE
Source: tumblr.com
added by bala17
added by twilighter4evr
added by wherearetheynoe
added by Stelenavamp
added by wherearetheynoe
added by wherearetheynoe
added by s_joj02010
Source: jared padalecki and genevieve padalecki
added by BruCaS_LoVE
Source: tumblr.com
added by wherearetheynoe
added by wherearetheynoe
added by s_joj02010
Source: jared padalecki and genevieve padalecki
added by wherearetheynoe
added by wherearetheynoe
added by wherearetheynoe
Source: jared padafandom
added by wherearetheynoe
added by wherearetheynoe