Jackie & Hyde Club
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posted by Leightonfan
Hyde is a mixture of Holden Caulfield and Jughead Jones, in the sense that he despises authority and is rarely interested in getting into a serious relationship. However, he enjoyed having a steady girlfriend. Though he may seem sarcastic and careless, over the course of the series a lebih mellow, lovable side of Hyde has revealed itself through his shows of gratitude towards the Formans for taking him in after his mother abandoned him, and his treatment of his significant others in his few relationships. Hyde is potentially the smartest member of the group, hinted at in the episodes "Halloween"...
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posted by Leightonfan
Jackie is introduced in the pilot episode primarily as Michael Kelso's girlfriend. She likes to give saran which often sounds typically thoughtless and superficial, but turns out to be unnervingly correct (such as during "Battle of the Sexists" in Season 1, when she tells Donna that Eric will never be her boyfriend if she doesn't let him win at things). Though she begins as rich, spoiled, stupid, and irritating, over time she is lebih accepted oleh the rest of the gang. After her breakup with Kelso in Season 2, Jackie keeps hanging out in Eric's basement, a sign that her status has grown. These...
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One thing I learned about watching many TV series especially those that take romantic subplots is that opposites do attract. The OC's Seth Cohen and Summer Roberts prove to be an endearing couple as well as Lucas Scott and Brooke Davis from One pohon Hill. Such strong attraction between polar opposites is based on the overused scientific law, of course. The slow gravitation and the gradual development between Jackie and Steven were rewarding and intense all throughout. The element of surprise as a factor is also a bonus.

There's a funny feeling in my gut when I was watching season 2 of That 70's...
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