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posted by SissiSunshiner
Here me is! *smiles* I know... I suck...I totally, completely suck. Sorry for updating after a month! School is keeping me busy and I have lots ad lots of things going on in my family.

Enjoy the chapter, but I warn you: this is gonna be SAD!!! VERY SAD! EXTREMELY SAD!

London Call Part 8

Bonnie watched the slow and rhythmic rise and fall of her daughter's chest. She had been called a few hours earlier and she had run to Los Angeles as soon as possible. She had been in that room for a couple of hours, and she had never got up from that chair, not even to go to the bathroom atau drink a glass of water....
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added by huddyfan1996
Source: _ppistachio on twiiter :D
posted by SissiSunshiner
Sorry fot the late update but I’ve been on holiday the whole week and I didn’t have my laptop with me. Hope you’ll like this chapter. Let me know what anda think. Luv ya’ll.

Okay, in the first chapter I berkata they were at Hugh’s birthday party and in this chapter I wrote about the last scene of Season 6. I couldn’t help myself, I wanted to write about this scene from an HULI POV.

London Call Part 3

She could hear the sweet words he used to speak in her ears when she was falling asleep in his arms. Days like those would never come again. She was alone now, he was no longer with her.

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I guess my writers block is slowly fading away;) So for your pleasure, the 2nd chapter!

Reality Check

The selanjutnya morning Lisa woke up at the sound of the alarm clock. The clock told her it was 8am, which according to Lisa meant that she had slept-in, but she still felt tired. Not the usual kind of tired though, which was defined oleh aching leg- and back muscles. When she concentrated on the location of her muscle-aches she stirred, she remembered her midnight-visitor and their screams of passion, which now replayed itself over and over again in her mind. But that had all been a dream, right?...
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posted by Belle0308
Thank anda all for the very kind comments. I have been enjoying menulis this one. I hope anda like this part as well. My unofficial editor has approved this, so here it goes.

Wherever Lisa was, it always seemed like Hugh was close with his hand either on her back atau her hand on his arm. On the rare occasions they weren’t in some form of physical contact, they were in eye contact that came in everything from long stares to short, stolen glances. It didn’t go without Robert noticing. He leaned over to Hugh when they were away from close ears.

“Are anda two SURE anda want to come to my place afterwards?”...
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posted by huddyforever
Ok so this is a oneshot. I got the idea from Hugh’s online chat. Someone asked What’s something Lisa does that makes anda crack up? and then one of his answer was The coasers and I thought that ‘the coasters’ was the answer to the Lisa pertanyaan but it wasn’t. Turns out The Coasters are a band actually. XDDD But it gave me an idea so enjoy:)))

“Good morning everybody.” David greeted as him and Katie walked into the readers room. It was time for the shooting of episode 3 of season 6 to begin and they were doing a read through before starting. Everyone sat around this round meja in...
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added by suchanight
Source: missbuterfly LJ
posted by migle
hello, it's my detik Huli article, I hope anda won't be cruel to me.


Lisa was watching tv while drinking peppermint teh on her coach in her Los Angeles apartment. Her anjing was lying oleh her feet on red carpet, Kapkow was chewing one of anjing cookies. His bulu was tickling Lisa’s fingertips. It was about afternoon and she was thinking about making kantin, diner soon. But first she wanted to finish her soap. They already started filming selanjutnya season but she still had a lot of free time. She was tired of trips and parties so now she started to relax at halaman awal and even started watching those soaps. Before...
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posted by SissiSunshiner
Heya! This is the firt Huli fic that I write.

Hope you'll wnjoy it. Let me know what anda think. And if anda like it I may go on menulis chapter 2:)


"London Call Part 1"

Lisa kept staring at the mirror in front of her . She analized her reflex. The tears were dried on her chins but her eyes were still red and puffy for all the crying she had been through in the last hours.

“Lisa, anda can’t go on like this. You’ll get hurt.”

She was alone in the room, no one was there with her. She closed her eyes trying to remember the sweet sensation of his arms enfolding her, the sweet kisses his lips...
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posted by Noeloe
Sorry for taking so long to update, I hope anda enjoy this chapter anyway!

‘Liz!’, Hugh yelled after her as she walked to a lunch table. She looked around to see who had called her name and saw Hugh waving her over to his table. She smiled and joined him. ‘Fruit and a salad’, he looked at her plate. ‘Yeah I was hungry so I thought I would get myself a lot of food, although comparing with your plate I still have very little.’ Hugh smirked as he looked at the 6 sandwiches and big bowl of buah-buahan on his plate. ‘Why are anda commenting on my food anyway? I thought anda wanted me to eat...
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hey everyone! I just want to say that I left this spot for a while b/c I stopped believing, but than my unconscience didn't agree with me, so here I am again. This is going to be a very short multi-chap, lebih like a one-shot membagi, split in pieces (simply b/c I don't have the time to write more). Don't expect to much from it, just well... enjoy

Lisa heard her phone ring and immediately panicked as in all the chaos of this afternoon she couldn’t remember where she put it. She was trying to hear where the sound was coming from, but with Eileen on her arm that wasn’t the easiest thing.

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The PCA had ended, Lisa was starving like Hugh.
"Hey, what do anda say if we had makan malam together?" Asked Lisa.
"Your place atau mine?" Hughes said.
"In my own"

Both got into the limousine. Arriving at the halaman awal of Lisa, she kissed Hugh.
"This is great! We started the tahun great! anda divorced, I cinta you, anda won 2 awards, mention that I cinta you? "Said Hugh Lisa and kissed again.
"I cinta anda too ... and what we'll eat? Because I really am starving! "
"Uhm ... yesterday I made some fettuccine, the one anda like!"
"Really?! So what are we waiting for?! "

Lisa only ate a small plate of fettuccine while...
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posted by tabbyhearts
Note: sucky fanfic alert! Okay, so I'm posting this at 3 in the morning because I realized that I might not have internet in NYC at our friend's apartment.

It's also really short because my baby, a Huddy fic, is taking up most of my time. But I could never forget Huli for the holidays.

Anywho, I shall shut up and let anda read.

Keep sinning! (:C

It was Valentine's Day, and the city was abuzz with excitement; lovers, family, friends and even the single ones, all celebrating in their own way. Most restaurants were filled now, along with the less classy bars, and some winter bearers able to face...
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posted by douglas80
((A new fic, hope anda like it!?! I try to send the selanjutnya one in a few days, plz review your thoughts, thanx and enjoy ;-))

This evening was stranger than ever. He went into the kitchen. Stopped. Frowned his forehead. Now he changed his mind and went to the little bar at the corner of his continental style livingroom. He got a Burbon, and a once more. Swallowed both of them down like water. He breathed deep and out. Finally he sat down at the couch. He couldn´t believe what just happened. He couldn´t believe that he was seriously thinking about it. It felt like a little shock after an car accident....
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7 days of sneaking into Lisa’s house, a few torn blouses and broken trouser’s zips later, on Sunday morning Hugh woke up alone in his own bed. sebelumnya evening Lisa’s family visited her so Hugh decided to stay halaman awal and rest, drinking some bir in front of TV.
He stood up from the bed, put his towel and slippers on, and went out for a newspaper. When he opened the door some lights blinded him and he covered his eyes oleh the hand. When he opened them, he saw a massive crowd of paparazzi, aiming at him with their cameras and flashes. Suddenly a couple of women with microphones run to him.

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posted by huddyislove
hey guys... So, thanks for your lovely reviews... I am glad that anda liked the teaser :DDDD
Anyway, I am going away, again XD, on Friday, so I'll post one chapter everyday until then, and I'll continue when I get back (4 days later ;D)
I hope anda won't lose interest...

As anda know...
The first chapter is ALWAYS shorter XD
But that's just the way I roll XDDD
Hope anda enjoy it!

He was woken up oleh a sound of running shower. One eye still screwed shut, he looked around. Where was he?
Not his sheets,
Not his bed,
Not his room
And obviously, not his house either.

The sound faded away. Whoever it was taking...
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posted by huddysmacked
I know I know... I shouldn't be menulis any lebih fics but come on! Jealousy is Lousy it's a pretty Lousy fic and The Reason is really cheap so they can wait and well I hope that this one isn't as sucky. I have really hated my work lately so well I really cinta this idea and well my sinning brain has nothing better to do these days....

It might be just a three shot-er....


"We are going to New Jersey? What for?" Hugh asked waiting for a voice to come from the receiver.

"David berkata it was something for House. To make the setting lebih realistic. It will be just a couple od days, don't worry."...
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posted by huddysmacked
I'm soooo going to hell!!!XDDDD

"Good Morning!" Jo berkata as Hugh woke up. "Happ Birthday!" Hugh sat iup in his tempat tidur andsaw the small cake placed in his night stand. He hugged his wife.

"Thanks. I have to get ready my flight goes in 4 hours and I have to be there 2 hours before." Hugh responded, standing up from bed.

"The kids left anda a present downstairs." Jo berkata as Hugh left the room to get a shower.

When he was taking the shower, he thought about LA and all the paps that would be at the airport. He thought about his job in House and he thought about Lisa. She was probably sleeping. He imagined...
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posted by playingcold
This isn't a fanfic, it's pure science! :D Thanks to school, I have to read some texts about nonverbal communication. membaca the stuff, all I could think about was Huli. I will copy some paragraphs here and feel free to discuss if they are really 'so Huli' as I thought. ;) It is possible that they were mentioned earlier, since there are a lot of smart and educated people here :)

To Communicate Meaning
Nonverbal messages may communicate the exact same meanings as verbal messages. The same purposes that were identified for communication in general are served oleh nonverbal signals a well.
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