Huddy Club
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added by EnjoyHuddy
hi guys!! Sorry if I'm not around but my mom punished me and I won't be able to be online for a bulan :( But I found this vid so I tought anda should enjoy it! :)Miss you!!
house md
added by huddyislove
Source: FP XD
added by babybell
Source: screencaps i took
Is anyone able to translate the French artikel oleh LE & HL that are mentioned and diposting on Twitter. I don't speak French and would cinta to read them. Hugh's one he apparently discusses S7 and LE departure. And from what I gather LE mentions her relationship status as "single!"

Both artikel are darted 2011. So I am curious to se what they have said!

atau if anyone can tell me which mags they were published in I can try and translate them myself.

Looking meneruskan, ke depan to House S8 on October 3, 2011.

I miss the gorgeous Mr Laurie when he is gone for so long!
posted by SinisterMinx
*WARNING* EXPLICIT ADULT CONTENT! So, here's a tip for anda curious kids... Back away ;)

This is all Huddy, Wilson is here just to make it a little lebih fun and spice things up. Please, read and comment... anda know anda want toooo ;)

"House... I feel like a creeper."

"Oh, as if anda have never watched someone from your window."

"Well, yes. From my house window and just glancing at the person outside. Not watching the every pindah he atau she makes inside their house from my car window."

House looked at Wilson with the most bored facial expressions he could...
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posted by lizzie22xo
Even though, she looked up at him shocked, she didn’t pull her foot back, much to House’s surprise. He looks at his digital watch, then, looks up at her.
“I’ve gotta go.”
She nods, in return to his statement.
“See ya soon?”
Cuddy asks him.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Oh, just leave already.”
He smiles, and walks out, without paying for his meal.
The heels of her shoes made a clunk sound as she walked on the pavement path, on the grounds of Michigan.
“Quit following me.”
She states without looking behind her.
“I’m not following you, per say, I’m following your...
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Lisa Cuddy finally ended up at halaman awal after a long stressful hari at the hospital thanks to House upsetting another parent of a patient. She spent the whole hari cleaning up his mess trying to keep the parent from suing House and the hospital. In order to relax she went and started a bubble bath to ease all the tension from the hari away. After the bath it was late and she was tired so she decide to get ready for bed.

At 2 a.m. she is woken up oleh someone obnoxiously knocking on her door and ringing her doorbell. She sighs knowing exactly who it is and wonders why he is here. She thought maybe...
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posted by housecuddy4ever
It was a cold wintery day.The snow was falling slowly to the ground.The sun hasn't come up yet.The wind was blowing the snowflakes around.Lisa Cuddy awoke from her deep sleep.She reached for her lamp.The light came on and was bright.Lisa held her hand infront of her face.She got up and put on her zaitun green robe.She turned around and walked toward her bathroom.As she walked toward the bathroom and stopped in the hallway.A mandi, shower could be heard."Who the hell is in my bathroom?" Lisa berkata in a worried tone.She walked toward her bathroom,trying not to trip over anything.Lisa looked for the light...
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Credit: House M.D. on YouTube.
house md
season 4
house's head
cuddy's striptease
added by Electra131E
posted by LaurieLover
Chapter 3 as promised. I have membagi, split this chapter so there is a 4th and final chapter to follow shortly!!

Again for the under 18's I trust anda will exercise the necessary restraint to avoid membaca that which is NOT appropriate for you.


Lying on his back, House came back to the world slowly, his brain taking it’s time letting it in. He hated mornings, and he especially hated the mornings his leg hurt like it was hurting now. Eyes closed he tried to ignore the throbbing in his thigh. He was tired and sore and wanted nothing lebih than to sink back into sleep. Reaching...
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posted by Irene3691
House and Cuddy get to Michigan in the afternoon, and after leaving their suitcases at home, they go to buy some food. They have makan malam and sit together on the couch, where they talk and laugh until tempat tidur time.
‘Well... I think we should go to sleep... I mean... each of us to our respective rooms...’
She smiles. ‘Yes, it’s late.’ They go to their dorm’s doors. ‘Tomorrow I’m leaving early, so I won’t see until Sunday night...’
He nods. ‘Have fun with your family then.’
‘Thanks.’ She smiles and goes to her dorm to sleep.

In the morning Lisa gets up early and takes a shower....
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posted by livethislifeup
It had been a bulan since the drama concerning Cuddy occurred at PPTH. Things were settled and calmed down. But the sadness still remained. It was clear, to everyone, that things would soon change at the PPTH, once she's gone. And this hurt the faculty and staff, very deeply. Cuddy, had been a hard working, and determined boss, for all of them. As Dean of Medicine and the hospital administrator, she did her best, for not only the sake of the patients, but for her employees. At her departure, many would be grieving. In fact, despite her presence now, many are. And some, lebih so than others.

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posted by huddy_aimee
A/N Ok's part 11...the last chap was a bit...obvious...almost...i dunno what to call it...anyways...there was guna be smut [XD] but last time i did that it got removed...hehe so im thinking of putting it on LJ atau read and review like always (please rate aswell im going for my yellow huddy) XD Oh, sorry if House seems a bit 'nice' I explained it in the last chapter-he enjoys being out on the water and alone with cuddy. Dont worry he will become his arrogant self when they return, I cant gurantee that...XD

Cuddy woke first, the morning after their little 'escapade'. She...
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posted by Fabouluz
House took poured a glass of whisky, before he sat down on his sofa. Cuddy took her jaket and shoes off, before she sat down selanjutnya to him.

Cuddy: Have anda packed yet?

House: Wilson offered.

Cuddy: I can…help anda pack.

House nodded in agreement, and smiled as she stood up and turned around to walk towards his bedroom.

Cuddy: I think you’d just need a few things at first.

House followed her, she sat on his tempat tidur as he stood there; glass of whisky in hand.

Cuddy: On detik thought, you’re not the most co-operative of people, anda may be there longer.

House: Here.

House handed her a weekend bag.

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The afternoon was slowly departing. The sun was reaching down, every menit of every hour. It was glowing. In Cuddy's office, the light was pouring in. Shining and glimmering on all the glass. She was just sitting around, fidgeting, nervous and teary. She sat there staring blankly at the floor waiting for House to come. She didn't know what to say to him, what to do atau even what to think. Then at that moment, he walked in. He was grinning at her and he made his way to her desk. When he kissed her on the cheek, she had kept her eyes shut, and began biting her lips. He saw the expression on her...
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added by Fabouluz
Source: u_fisch@livejournal
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
posted by HousesCane
It was a week later, Cuddy is out of the hospital and now at House's dorm.
"I'm glad anda managed to get out of the accident with on a broken leg and a slight concussion." House berkata to her.
"Yeah but my leg is broken in two places."
"But you're fine and that's all that matters." He says then kisses her. After a silence, Cuddy asks,
"Can I ask anda a question?"
"But anda have to be honest."
"I promise."
"Why did anda cheat on me?" She asked.
"Because I can never handle relationships. I always have to screw them up in some way because I never want to get hurt." He explained.
"I will never hurt...
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