Hotch & Emily Club
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emily prentiss
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added by Celina79
Source: angy3101@LJ
posted by Celina79
Written oleh Ilovetvalot.

In a Heartbeat

In a heartbeat, life as anda know it can be ripped away from you. In a heartbeat, everything can change, leaving anda shaken and questioning everything anda ever knew. In a heartbeat, the life anda had can come crashing to an abrupt halt, irrevocably altering everything anda see.

That’s how fast it happened to him. Aaron Hotchner.

In a heartbeat.

Now, the only time he ever felt anything comparable to normal was with her. This dark beauty that had been slowly, steadily working him towards his recovery. She wouldn’t give up. Wouldn’t surrender him to the tide...
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added by mys1993gsr
added by Crywolf_10
Source: hotch-prentiss.tumblr
Written oleh Sienna27.

Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace

Emily walked in the door, stomping the snow from her boots as she pulled her down her scarf. It was almost last call so the bar was mostly empty. But still it took her a moment to spot him.

And then she saw him in the corner . . . she bit her lip . . . sitting oleh himself.

He looked so alone.

Shaking off the snow . . . and her pity . . . the latter he would spot immediately . . . Emily crossed the creaking floorboards and stopped selanjutnya to his table.

He didn’t look up.

She stared at him for a moment, looking at the lines etched into his face...
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added by Celina79
Its not typical H/E video, but I cinta when we see Thomas and Paget sitting together on the chair at 1:12!!!!!!! SO HOT!!!
criminal minds
tv guide
paget brewster
thomas gibson
added by Celina79
Source: Julyaneko
added by Celina79
added by Celina79
Source: hopskotch_hotch@LJ
added by deppforever
Source: Deppforever
added by Celina79
Source: Thomas Gibson on Instagram
added by Crywolf_10
Source: hotch-prentiss.tumblr
missangel33 on yt.
aaron hotchner
criminal minds
emily prentiss
posted by Celina79
Written oleh cmaddict on
Story placed right after Minimal Loss 4x03.

She looks horrible, Hotch thought grimly as he watched Emily and Reid talk quietly in a secluded corner of the plane.

And Emily Prentiss certainly did look horrible. A wicked-looking bruise covered about half of her face, and she walked favoring her left side. The EMT at the scene had told her she probably had a couple of fractured ribs, but in typical Emily fashion, she’d refused any pain killers other than generic Tylenol.

Hotch sighed and shifted in his seat, his dark eyes never leaving the solemn pair in the...
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added by Crywolf_10
Source: hotch-prentiss.tumblr
added by Celina79
added by Celina79
added by Celina79