hetalia Club
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Yep! No fanmade stuff here, folks, I'm going to try to daftar all the relationships in Hetalia! This includes who hates who, who's related to who and how, who has a crush on who, everything that involves two characters interacting! Please remember that I'm ONLY putting in stuff that is true for the original work. I don't care if anda think Poland has a crush on Cuba atau if anda think Canada loves France. If it's not true in the original work, it's not being put here. Please remember that there's a high chance that I'll miss a bunch, so please put a message in the komentar if I forgot one atau if I...
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added by sailor_spade15
added by IggyPyu37
Since I've started watching Hetalia, I've read many Fanfictions and Roleplays (which I don't do myself) and I've come across very well-written, wonderful ones, some of which almost made me cry, atau made me laugh hysterically in a way that made my mum look at me in a weird way.... And, I've also seen some that were very, very, very horrible. Here is a (mini) daftar on the things that annoy me greatly, and sometimes make go nuts/ want to bleach my brain so I can forget the atrocity that I read.

Here we go:

1- Adding No Warnings, Even When It includes Sensitive Subjects Like Rape, Torture etc: Imagine...
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added by -Breadqueen-
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: google
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: google
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: google
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: google
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: google
added by MallowMarsh
added by Cerudays
Source: Zerochan
added by AlyssAybss
added by iamawesome7887
added by darkmintoutau
So I'm kind of nervous because this is the first fanfiction I've ever actually published XD Debating whether atau not to continue it... But it's inspired off of one of my most favorit historical events the luar angkasa Race so yeah, I hope anda like it =) (sorry if it's cheesy) XD

Throughout history, the idea of leaving Earth was an impossible fantasi . . .

The small imaginative nation stood on his tippy toes looking high into the darkened night sky. The little specks of light above fascinated him as he jumped up trying to grab them, eventually beginning to dance under them admiring their awe-inspiring...
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added by Blaze1213IsBack