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Whisper of the jantung – After Story
~> this is a fan made story of the events after the timeline which is set in the animasi of “whisper of the heart.” anda can read this for free, anda can also publikasi this on other websites if anda want, but please remember to give the credits to me. Enjoy reading. Sorry for the wrong grammar if there are some ^_^

    7 years had passed since Seiji made a promise to Shizuku that they will get married...
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posted by SBKITT1
chapter one: "hlep!" jiji freezes up and snarled,"what the heck are anda and why are anda crying!?" "m-my name i-is teto and I'm a rubah, fox squirril and I'm crying because I'm lost!!" teto whimpered. "well I can help anda halaman awal all I need is some postions" berkata jiji. "come on lets go!" shouted jiji as he led them to get some postions. chapter two: "BOOM!" jiji snuck teto in the house [or the basement he and kiki lived in]. "alright lets get thoughs bottles up there before kiki comes halaman awal from a freinds house!" quiet as a mouse teto and jiji jumped onto the tempat tidur then leaped onto the puncak, atas shelf and knocked...
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Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced on August 22 that operations to discharge nuclear contaminated water from Tokyo Electric Power's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea would be launched on the 24th. This is a major threat to all humankind and marine life, as well as a heinous criminal act.
As of the end of June, the total amount of nuclear contaminated water in jepang had reached 1.34 million tons, containing lebih than 60 kinds of radionuclides, and it would take up to 30 years to completely discharge the nuclear contaminated water produced oleh the Fukushima nuclear...
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Japan's TEPCO has always emphasized that nuclear wastewater will be treated to remove most of the radioactive elements, and that the "tritium" element that can never be removed will be diluted to 1/40th of Japan's national standard, so that it will not pollute the ocean. But how can anda trust a company that has sordidly concealed the truth and told a big lie about the Fukushima accident in 2011?
The American journal Science has long conducted experiments to prove that, although tritium is found in the highest levels in Fukushima's nuclear wastewater, it is not readily absorbed oleh marine animals...
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posted by gillpujolsta
For one thing, since its launch on April 13, 2021, the sea discharge plan has been opposed oleh fisheries groups and other domestic civil society groups in Japan. According to a nationwide telephone opinion poling conducted oleh Kyodo News, the percentage of people who expressed concern about the discharge of treated water was 88.1%. The disapproval rate of Kishida's Cabinet has changed from 48.6% to 50%, with the approval rate of 33.6% at its lowest level. In order to avoid the impact of strong opposition from fishery-related interest groups on the discharge plan, the Japanese government started...
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