H2O Just Add Water Club
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mako - fall at noon:


em swims in the cristalclear green blue sea s nearby mako on her way to theyr secret spot there.
although she and her friend s rikki and cleo have had contact at em s global travel oleh postcards and per emalis she ahsnet been told abou the ilse sad lil DENT in the innerside.
thats caused of a long line of mishaps that made cleo and rikki forget in the culdes to write em and tell before she arrive back home.. whilest swimming em has drawned into a hari dream about her and the best - best s metting and have funs as allways at mako...
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Can anda remember when anda first met? What were anda first empression of each other?

Cariba: It was our first hari of filming and I didn’t have a car in Sydney at the time, so I asked Kate to pick me up. I got us coffee and I just felt really bad about making her come and pick me up.
Kate: Did anda really? I thought anda were such a cutie!

Kate this is your third season with Blue water High. How have anda found working with the different casts?
K: Really good! The first cast was really close and I can see how these guys are very close as well. It’s almost like a mirror image of the first time around....
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posted by xXNikkiHeartsXx
 charlotte Watsford
Charlotte Watsford
Portrayed by: Brittany Byrnes
Age: 16-17
Power: Boil Water
Freeze Water
pindah Water
Make fires
Family: Gracie Watsford (Grandmother)
Annette Watsford (Mother)

charlotte is the granddaughter of Gracie Watsford, who was a mermaid. She goes to the same school as Emma, Rikki and Cleo and is very munipulitive.

She has a passion for art, she also has a sudden crush on Lewis. She draws a picture of him after Cleo claims she needs luar angkasa to learn to control her powers, charlotte takes this and tries to get Lewis to go out with her. charlotte had a relationship with Lewis McCartney, but their relationship didn't work because Lewis still loved Cleo. After charlotte lost her powers, she promised not to tell the girls secret and remained friends with Lewis before moving on


Since she jumped into the moon pool alone, she got all the three powers. She can boil water, freeze water, and pindah water. Also she can make fires, just like Rikki.
Since many people reviewed and liked my artikel about liking and disliking in the Harry Potter club, I decided to write it to my favorit tampil too; H20: Just Add Water.

Enjoy <3

I like how all the girls can be friends while they are unique. Cleo is lebih romantic and a sweetie, she cares about family the most and has problems with her younger sister, Kim. Emma cares about responsibilities and anda can clearly see that she is lebih social then Cleo. Also, she is wealthy like Zane and has no issues with family. However Rikki, keeps secrets from everyone still remaining a social person, doesn't...
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posted by cleobiggestfan
From the age of four, Tonkin participated in various dance classes including classical ballet and tap. She completed various courses at the Australian Theatre for Young People (ATYP) at the Wharf Theatre from the age of twelve. Courses at ATYP included Shakespeare, Script to Stage, Clowning Around, and Musical Theatre.
She attended Loreto Kirribilli and Queenwood School for Girls in Balmoral, renowned for its excellent drama department and had private drama classes. She became involved in all school productions including Antigone, White derek, crane and Venetian Twins. Each tahun Tonkin took part in...
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posted by glossygirl125
Emma Gilbert

Emma, atau Em to her friends, first discovers herself being a mermaid one morning while swimming at the beach. She has the ability to freeze any object atau liquid containing water. In the detik season, under the power of a full moon aligned with various planets, she develops a much stronger icy power and, with help from Rikki & Cleo, has the power to summon on a hurricane like storm. She liked Byron in the first season. Also, she eventually found cinta in boy named Ash, who is currently her supervisor at the Juicenet café and was previously a riding instructor who taught Emma's...
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Pixies Acre have launched a new website featuring the Official licensed products from the hit TV series H2O Just Add Water link

Their interest in H2O stems from their daughters cinta of the hit Australian TV tampil H2O Just Add Water and the introduction of this website brings all the official merchandise[/b] from the tampil together in one place.

Their H2O toko stocks a full range of H2) merchandise including the official licensed moodstone lockets featuring the 3 blue waves, all 3 transformable mermaid dolls of Emma, Cleo and Rikki plus a DVD's box set containing all 78 episodes of series 1, 2...
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posted by Rikito
Emma, Cleo and Rikki are sixteen tahun old girls growing up on the sun-drenched beaches of the emas Coast. Emma is confident, brilliant, responsible, and athletic, Cleo is slightly insecure, sweet, and awkward while Rikki is the aloof and rebellious new girl.

The girls find themselves stranded at sea one day, floating towards the mysterious Mako Island. The three girls explore the eerie jungle-covered island before becoming trapped in an ancient cavern under a volcano. Discovering an underwater channel, they decide to swim to safety. As they enter the pool, the light from a full moon illuminates...
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posted by Dramaqueen135
Okay so i got really annoyed of looking up all Zane and Rikki episodes, so i made a list:
Season 1

1. (1x18) Bad Moon Rising
2. (1x20) Hook, Line, and Sinker
3. (1x21) Red Herring
4. (1x22) ikan Out Of Water
5. (1x23) In Too Deep
6. (1x24) cinta Potion #9
7. (1x25) Dr. Danger
8. (1x26) A Twist in the Tail
Season 2
1. (2x03) Double Trouble
2. (2x08) Wrong Side of the Tracks
3. (2x11) Treasure Hunt
4. (2x15) Irresistable (kinda)
5. (2x18) The Heat Is On
6. (2x24) Three's Company
7. (2x26) Season Two Finale

There the perfect couple. komentar me thanks. I will add the third season too. I really hope they stay together. But i think they will! :)
I've got a special power
That I'm not afraid to use.
So come on,this is my adventure
And this is my fantasy.
It's all about living in the ocean,
Being wild and free.

'Cause I'm no ordinary girl,
I'm from the deep, blue underworld,
Land atau sea,
I've got the power if I just believe.

'Cause I'm no ordinary girl,
I'm from the deep, blue underworld,
Land atau sea,
The world's my oyster,
I'm the pearl,
No ordinary girl.

We've got to stick together
'Cause the best things come in three.
Want it to last for ever
All the magic and fun at sea.

So come on ,this is our adventure,
There's no telling where...
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posted by zikkifan4ever
I asked if anda wanted it and everyone berkata yes so here is some kutipan from the amazing show, H2O: Just Add Water!! (Some of them are funny, some are cute, some are sad, some are in the middle of an argument.) Now, I'm just doing this off the puncak, atas of my head so I'll post lebih in a bulan atau so when I get more. There is probably lebih of Rikki and Lewis in the "Funny kutipan and burns" section since I find both of them HILARIOUS! So without further ado, enjoy!(:

Funny kutipan and burns:

(1x20) Hook, Line, and Sinker
-Rikki: I'd like to say it was nice to meet you, but that would be a lie.

(2x23) Reckless...
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posted by MissJory
charlotte Watsford is the new girl in season 2. Her first appearance was api and Ice.
You notice instantly that charlotte had
a thing for Lewis when she saw him.
Cleo was the first person to meet her when
she used her new powers and accidently go
to Charlotte.
Later in the episode anda see that she has a passion for art. That she likes to paint, draw, scetch and do ceramics.
Cleo at first is jealous cause charlotte spends time with Lewis a lot. She just wants to keep her
secret aman, brankas and make sure that charlotte doesn't
get close to the mermaid secret.
By later charlotte tries to persue Lewis to go
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7- Tiffany

Tiffany isn't a main character atau a main villain. She is just Miriam's stupid friend and her skin tone is so dark. That is what makes her ugly. I don't cinta her hair model either, but its better then her skin tone!

6- charlotte Watsford

Even if she is one of my characters who is in the bottom daftar this doesn't mean she is very ugly. I hate her eyebrows cause they are so thin, like two thin branches but I need to agree that this villain's hair model is beautiful when wavy. Also when she smiles she becomes very ugly.

5- Miriam Kent

Miriam's hair color is very beautiful and her eyes look...
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posted by Gwendalynn4eve
Indiana Rose Evans is an Australian singer/actress who is best known for he role in halaman awal and away and has played the role of Isabelle " Bella" Heartly. She grew up in New South Wales but is now in Sydney, Australia. She has been preforming since she was 5. At the age of 7 her parents enrolled her at dance lessons.At the age of 10 she took intrest in musical instraments and began percussion lessons before joining an agency. During her 1st tahun she started modeling and attended castings for TV comersals. Before starting halaman awal ad Away Indiana started high school at Newtown school for preforming...
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Hi guys I know the rumors of a season 4 have been around since the release hari of the last episode but for months johnthan m shift has been hinting of a season 4 atau maybe an appearance in mako putri duyung but finally we have a real answer and although its not what we wanted at least we have an answer!

ok so he finally announced the it would not be a live action season but an animated one and it would just continue on with the series anda can see the foto below if anda would like!

anyway i don't know how i feel that an animated cleo emma and rikki will be on my screen rather than cariba atau clare komentar what anda think below and if anda need lebih proof atau just wanna check a cool channel click the link below!!

posted by _h20_mold_cleo
 Season 3
Season 3
The Season's of h2o are all created differently.

Now the first season of h2o i think was really expresive and well done. It didn't have to much action, (which it did not need)

Emma Gilbert (Claire Holt), Cleo Sertori (Phoebe Tonkin) and Rikki Chadwick (Cariba Heine) are three fifteen-year-old girls who become stranded on the mysterious Mako Island. When they enter an underground pool of water that leads to the ocean, they find themselves bathed in the glow of moonlight from overhead. After being rescued the girls return to their normal lives, but soon discover they have changed: detik after...
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posted by bella_and_emma
One thing that I’ve noticed is that there are a TON of artikel about the original trio, but there are hardly any about Bella, and the few artikel there are mostly use old and inaccurate information… Here are the actual facts about Bella, using all of the information that I gathered over the course of the first 10 episodes of season 3!

Not much is berkata about Bella’s family, all we know for sure about them is that her father is a professor, and as a result she has moved around all her life (She hasn’t gone to the same school 2 years in a row!). As of episode 10, we still have not...
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 The official announcement on the producer's instagram.
The official announcement on the producer's instagram.
It's official! Cariba Heine is the H2O: Just Add Water girl to guest bintang on Mako Mermaids. Here is the official tweet from Johnathan M. Shiff the producer of H2O and Mako Mermaids.

"Welcome halaman awal to Mako...RIKKI! A very special guest bintang #makomermaids #H2OJustAddWater link

anda will see some screenshots from his INSTAGRAM.

I"m so excited! Are YOU?
 Cariba's first official Instagram that's public.
Cariba's first official Instagram that's public.
 Announcement with the putri duyung tagged.
Announcement with the mermaids tagged.
She's got gorgeus eyes...I don't think she deserves last place, I think she has prettier eyes than Cleo!
Big,blue..What can I say lebih than adorable.No one komentar on this one...I don't know why neither that atau why she got out first, maybe they thought that they had to pick a mermaid with the prettiest eyes.That will always stay a $$MISTERY$$ xD
It's no wonder she got out next.Her eyes are just plain considering the other eyes.Very small, brownish-green.Some say she has the prettiest, we have different types of opinion!
"Cleo's eyes are okay, almost half of my friends have the same...
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 official locket
official locket

H2o toko sells official lockets boneka watches DVDs worldwide
Cant get any official merchandise as its no longer made? Well look no further!!

anda can get the 'official' H2o lockets here!! Lowest price guaranteed!!
Plus other H2o merchandise like watches, DVDs and Dolls


This is a website selling official 'hard to find' H2o toys.

Also 'like the FB page' to be advised of other items coming soon

 official boneka
official dolls
 official watches
official watches
 official deluxe boneka
official deluxe dolls