CTV has uploaded full Gossip Girl episodes onto their website for Canadian residents. Once anda get to the link, just click on the Gossip Girl icon, and another window should pop up. I'd upload a direct link, but it changes after each episode :)
oleh _lina_lebih dari setahun yang lalu
After weeks of celibacy, a depressed Chuck finally confesses his cinta to a Blair who is so obviously dating a Lord Marcus for show. But what happens when she's too scared to give Chuck another chance? Will she settle for 'second best? ch.9 up
oleh ChuckBlairLuvAlebih dari setahun yang lalu
After Blair sees CV holding hands at the mobil van, van der bas, bass party, she doesn't get up in vanessa's face, but deletes the picture and leaves...entirely too overwhelmed with the fact that she's still in cinta with chuck bass.
oleh ChuckBlairLuvAlebih dari setahun yang lalu