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added by leggraaa
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added by Invisible-Tears
added by Invisible-Tears
added by Invisible-Tears
added by gossip-girl999
gossip girl
bas, bass
leighton meester
ed westwick
added by Invisible-Tears
Here's one of your natal gifts, Lauren! What some of the GGFTers have to say about anda :)


Lauren is just amazing. She was one of the first girls I met on the GGFT and I've never seen her being anything but sweet and welcoming to everyone there. She's also very easy to talk to and very funny. She always makes me laugh, even when I'm depressed and I cinta her for that.
Of course, she's downright crazy, and sometimes anda can tell she's definitely high on something, but I cinta her anyway.
Oh.. and she's a Sophia semak, bush fan, just that fact makes her AWESOME!! =)


"The first thing I noticed...
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added by LittleA
added by LoveLiesAndLust
added by gossip-girl999
added by HotStunner
added by falloutboy13
posted by LoveLiesAndLust
2x01 Summer, Kind of Wonderful

As the summer draws to a close in the Hamptons, Serena and Nate have everyone fooled into thinking they are a couple to cover up the fact that Nate has been hooking up with a married older woman and Serena has been secretly mourning her break-up with Dan. Blair returns from abroad with a hot guy on her arm, making a very jealous Chuck pertanyaan his decision to leave Blair stranded at the heliport. Dan has spent the summer assisting a famous author, but decides to head to the Hamptons to see how things stand with Serena after a summer spent apart. While interning...
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added by Invisible-Tears
added by Invisible-Tears
added by Invisible-Tears
added by edwestwick
posted by cintia_cs
One lebih really late artikel :)


Oh Carrie! Carrie is super awesome, she's so sweet, outgoing and I don't think she had any problems tampilkan her real self. We first started talking about things we liked in common, and then things turned a bit lebih personal and that's how we got comfortable talking to each other; let me tell anda this girl is also one CRAZY BITCH, a bit like me! I cinta talking to her about GG, her life, Brandon... with Brandon comes sex ;P. LMAO. I know she might not be perfect, but none of us are and that's what makes us, GGFT-ers, so damn COOL! cinta ya <3


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