peri Club
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added by IsisRain
Source: Ponsonnet
added by ktichenor
added by yorkshire rose
Source: pinterest
added by Zamiatina
added by ktichenor
added by yorkshire rose
Source: pinterest
added by yorkshire rose
Source: pinterest
added by GDragon612
added by ggmm27494
added by lovebaltor
Source: Users on:
added by yorkshire rose
added by Etincelle
Source: softgirllevelup
added by yorkshire rose
Source: deviantart
added by yorkshire rose
Source: pinterest
added by yorkshire rose
Source: pinterest
added by 0YouCanFly0
added by yorkshire rose
Source: pinterest
posted by owleyes1316
I once read somewhere that peri are the embodiment of everything that is beautiful, like women, nature, butterflies, magic.... If anda take this idea literally, then peri are actually EVERYTHING that is beautiful. But isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder? Yes, it is. Thus, a fairy would appear differently to every person, depending on what each person thinks is beautiful. This would of course lead to complications if this fairy were talking to multiple people at the same time. Each person would hear the fairy's words differently, and respond accordingly, and be confused oleh one another's responses, because they're responding to two different things, but they think they're responding to the same thing. If that makes sense. That complication could be the reason why peri don't tampil themselves to humans, as it would be complicated to insure that the aforementioned situation doesn't happen.
added by ktichenor
Source: pinterest
added by jlhfan624