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Homeland Season 4 Episode 4 Review/Recap

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called A Terrorist May Still be Alive! - Homeland – Season 4 Episode 4 – “Iron in the Fire” - Kernel Critic
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
A Terrorist May Still be Alive! – Homeland – Season 4 Episode 4 – “Iron in the Fire”
Last week saw Carrie’s return to Pakistan as station chief in Islamabad. She has begun her own investigation into what Sandy was up to and how he was acquiring his intel and why was he murdered. She has a secret team of her own choosing in place with the newest addition being Quinn. Now that the team is in place what is next for them…
This week we Carrie hard at work trying to ID the guy who was wearing the ear piece when Sandy was murdered. She is interrupted by John who wants to know what she is up to. He knows the guy she is looking for, Farhad Gazi, a local hood that is known for strong arm work.
Aayan is on a bus headed to see his female friend.  He has come back for the bag he gave her. She explains that her father found it and he smashed everything that was inside. Her father shows up and he tells Aayan that he is nothing but a drug dealer and he has reported him to the University for stealing drugs. He kicks Aayan out and tells him not to come back.
Carrie shows up at Saul’s hotel and it seems she is being watched. She catches up with Saul and she needs him to reach out to one of his Pakistani contacts.  She explains what she has found out about Sandy being murdered and the guy who was there and is known for doing wet work for Pakistani intelligence. Saul also mentions that Quinn called him and expressed concern about Carrie.  Carrie is not pleased with that.
Quinn shows up to the secret location that Carrie’s team is at. Fara tells Quinn that Carrie was able to identify the man from the photograph. Aayan shows up at the location and Fara goes out to meet him. He explains that he will only speak with Carrie. Fara explains that she is not there but she is on her way and convinces him to wait in her office for Carrie.
When Carrie shows up she meets with Aayan and he tells her he will give her his story but he needs to be transferred to the London University and he also needs 80,000 rupees first. Carrie pulls out a picture of Gazi and asks if that is the man who attacked him. She explains that he may be in more trouble than he originally thought and Aayan becomes upset. She tells him that he needs to explain to her why he needs the money, but he can’t. She agrees to give him the money. She asks if she can send someone with him and he tells her he has to do it alone. She tells him he needs to be back as soon as possible if he wants to get out of Pakistan. Max and Fara are sent to follow Aayan.
We next find out that John is the one having Carrie followed. He wants to know what she is up to.
A woman shows up in a professor’s class. The professor is the Ambassador’s husband. The woman approaches him after class and tells him that she knows his friend, Sandy.  He asks who she is and she explains that she is just letting him know that she knows what he was doing for Sandy and he quickly leaves.
Saul meets with his friend, a retired general from the Pakistani military. Saul explains he needs a favor, someone high up in the ISI that he trusts that Saul can talk to. He informs Saul that he needs to let this go and go home. Saul convinces him to help.
Carrie has tracked down Gazi and they now have eyes on him.  They need to get his cell phone cloned, but that requires that they get within 5 feet of him.
Max and Fara have followed Aayan to a teaching hospital. Fara gets of the vehicle to get closer and hear what Aayan is saying to a female doctor.  He gives the money he got from Carrie to her and the woman tells him to wait there.
Quinn is working on breaking into Gazi’s home. Carrie and the team are watching him on monitors. Quinn successfully clones Gazi’s phone and is still in the apartment when Gazi’s phone rings. Carrie tells Quinn to get out.
It seems Professor Boyd is trying to get out of Pakistan and is working his connections. He checks in with his wife and tells her he needs to talk with her. He explains that he has been offered his old job back and he will need to return to the states early next week. She does not seem happy with his decision.
Back at the hospital, it is almost morning and Max tells her that the nurse is coming out.  She hands Aayan a bag and Max and Fara follow him.
Back at the Embassy, Carrie tells John to get his dogs off of her.  I guess she did realize she was being followed. He tells Carrie about a tunnel under the Embassy, when she asks how his men left the Embassy as they are still on lockdown.
Saul is having breakfast when a man shows up to speak with him. It is his friend’s ISI contact, a man by the name of Aasar Khan. Everyone is ushered out of the restaurant and Saul is patted down. Saul asks Aasar about the death of Sandy, and Aasar asks Saul who he is speaking as. Saul asks him who killed Sandy and explains that they know about the ISI agent on the ground that day. Saul asks if he was the one who gave the order. Aasar is less that cooperative and leaves.
Carrie tells the team that Saul contacted her and feathers have been ruffled.
Max and Fara are stuck in traffic when Aayan gets out of his taxi. Fara gets out of the vehicle to follow after Aayan. She spots Aayan handing the bag off and then sees men with guns show up.
Back at the stakeout location, Gazi gets a call that tells him “his laundry is ready for pick-up”.  The team can’t see who the call came from. Carrie decides that they need to get him now, but Quinn is not on board with that. Fara calls Carrie and tells her that Haqqani is alive.  She tells Carrie to check her email because she sent her a video. This means Sandy was killed to protect Haqqani but they still don’t know why the ISI would be protecting Haqqani.
Back at the professor’s office, Boyd is ambushed by the woman who approached him in class and some men. She tells the professor that he is not leaving.  The woman blackmails him by threatening to expose him and the files he stole from his wife’s computer. She tells him that once he has done everything that she has asked he can leave free of obligation. She gives him a key and explains that this is how they begin.
Back at the secret office, Carrie tells Fara to wait for Aayan. Carrie explains to Fara that Aayan is not going to be going anywhere, especially now that they know his uncle is alive.
Carrie is sleeping when she hears a knock at the door. It is Fara with Aayan. Aayan is surprised to know that he won’t be leaving right away. Carrie lies and tells him that she has to get him a passport and such before he can leave. Carrie sets up the couch for him. Aayan confesses that there is something he should have told her, and he explains that he got kicked out of the University.
Carrie begins seducing Aayan and he seems unsure of what she is doing. Honestly, I think I am unsure of what she is doing. This just seems wrong.  This is where the episode leaves us and I can’t help but wonder what Carrie’s game plan is here. Something tells me that things are about to heat up and there will be consequences. Be sure to tune in next week because you won’t want to miss a moment!
A Terrorist May Still be Alive! – Homeland – Season 4 Episode 4 – “Iron in the Fire” was last modified: October 19th, 2014 by
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