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Who is your least favorit disney Princess? Why? And if anda could, would anda remove her from the line up?

I'm not found of Aurora either, but my least favorit is Snow White. My reason is simple: I like strong and independent female characters; Snow White is definitely not one of them. She's too naive and obsessed with finding love. I don't hate her and I wouldn't remove her from the line up because she's a princess and deserves her spot.
 Who is your least favorit disney Princess? Why? And if anda could, would anda remove her from the line up?
snow white IS strong and independent.. i think anda mean anda prefer loud rude b!tchy type girls lol. also many other princesses are naive and atau "obsessed" with cinta (COUGH ariel) yet they arent getting hated on. also belle is obsessed with adventure and dumb fantasi stories yet never leaves halaman awal after her dream, sounds obsessed and dependant to me!
girlygirlspwn posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
 Pikagirl541 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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putri disney Jawaban

MrsEmmaPeel said:
Tiana. She just bores me and is just to plain. She doesn't have any fun for herself and she works too much. I do admire her ambition on trying to achieve her dream, but she is just too boring. No I wouldn't remove her from the line up. She does have some good qualities about her and because I wouldn't want to hurt the people who cinta her.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
How is she plain?
rmpearl posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
saz19126 said:
mulan - this is the only disney princess film i haven't got - it was on tv not long yang lalu and i still don't like it - she just really annoys me and i would take her out of the line up because she's not a princess - she marries a general so therefore not royalty
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sheep2901 said:
I think i wouldn't remove anyone because every princess has their own personalities, anda can't blame them for being themselves. Each princess has their own ways to see the world to treat the world. Just because anda don't like this girl doesn't mean she is not good and some others beside anda may cinta her. For example anda don't like Snow White but a lot of little girls on this planet cinta her for anda know: her high and sweet voice atau maybe the way she plays with the animals. Ok i have to admit that i can't cinta all 10 disney princesses equally but that doesn't make me want to remove anyone of them out of the line-up. Just think what would happen if one hari anda only see some princesses because others have been removed, that would be super weird. So, in my opinion not remove is the best
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
hisblueeyes said:
Aurora, because she's boring and flat and has like two menit of screen time.
But I definitely wouldn't remove her from the line up. She's a classic, and I cinta her movie.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
pretty_angel92 said:
Ariel, cause she annoyis the hell out of me. she's fuckin' dumb, selfish and irresponsible
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
islandprincess posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
I agree--I see her lebih as an entitled brat rather than a princess (although technically she's a born-into-royalty princess) and it's hard for myself to find any positive qualities in her. While her age does play a role in the individual responsibility, her actions are very self-centered and to an extent she totally disregards her family & friends' feelings (the konser in the beginning of the movie was a good example of this (I know she forgot, but still)).
PunkyPaquita posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
^ é verdade xD
pretty_angel92 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Summer_Leanne said:
No princess should be taken out of the line-up, but my least favorit princess is Aurora. Her story is, for the most part, monotone, and her personality is so cliche. She's the typical wealthy and beautiful damsel-in-distress that has basically everything going for her. Snow White MUST STAY!!!! She is the disney Princess poster-child because she was the first princess to be produced oleh the franchise. Plus, she's cute and loving...what's not to cinta about her? : )
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
wealthy??? anda have obviously not seen her movie lol? anda basically described every princess except cinderella and tiana. and aurora is also cute and loving. and foolishness is this? lol
girlygirlspwn posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Uh huh, kiddo. I was just saying my opinion? Ever heard of those, cause bigots like anda sure do have a crap ton of them. This is an old response btw, let it go. Let it go regardless cause this is a stupid pertanyaan and so I was giving a stupid answer to accommodate it. Whether anda think I'm wrong atau not is of no consequence, nor do I care. But seriously, if anda wanna piss people off, don't go shooting down their right to freedom of speech, cause that's just ignorant, sweetheart.
Summer_Leanne posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
btw, when anda are on PMS, anda should do yourself a favor and gtfo the internet. Don't need anymore little arrogant twits stinking up the air on here.
Summer_Leanne posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
^Wow, you're one to talk. And she's right, your opinion is incorrect- Aurora is not wealthy, she is raised as a peasant with basically nothing going for her. Chill out, that was her opinion too.
AudreyFreak posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
maryksand said:
My least favourite is either Tiana atau Snow White. They (in my opinion) don't get any sort of a character development, at all. They remain the same through the course of their film and their personalities are rather badly written because other than Tiana's business goals and Snow's dream about her prince we don't see anything deeper than that, any emotional struggles atau other aspirations. Imo they just don't bring anything new to the table.

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BB2010 said:
I don't like Snow White either. I mean they make her out to be this totally perfect naive always cheerful girl who immediately fell in cinta with a guy who snuck into her courtyard and started bernyanyi to her even though neither of them knew each other for lebih than like a minute. I wouldn't really take her out of the line up because it wouldn't be fair for the people who cinta her
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musicalicecubes said:
i dont like snow white either! i cinta rapunzel from tangled, belle, and cinderella
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
sweetie-94 said:
Pocahontas because she bores me out and her personality isn't interesting to me.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
I would actually remove her from the line up because even though she is a princess I don't consider her a true princess, but that is what I think.
sweetie-94 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
yah right
awesome08 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
she's my favorite, she's not boring at all, and u must be cracked up if u thnk she isnt interesting. she saved someones life AND IS ACTUALLY A REAL PERSON, UNLIKE ALL OD THE OTHER PRINCESSES
thewanted4life posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
mergirl13 said:
Rapunzel, my least favorite. She's the most unoriginal of the princesses. I hate that she steals the spotlight from the others.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
Safira-09 said:
belle, she is boring, lacks a personality, everything she can is getting in trouble and hold a book in her hands.. yeah, i would remove her, so i wouldnt have to see her so often XD
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
oh and i would never remove snow white! she was the first princess, she was done in another time of thinking and she deserves to be in it X3
Safira-09 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
princesslullaby posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
I completely agree with Safira-09.I'm not a fan of Belle at all and i'm so glad someone agrees with me
Disneyfan1929 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
princesslullaby said:
Rapunzel. She's victimized, too perfect, all of her flaws are viewed as either cute atau shown in a good light, and she brings absolutely nothing new to the DP lineup. For that reason, yeah, I'd remove her.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
Removing her would be a little disrespectful to those who cinta her, don't anda think?
hisblueeyes posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
I don't care about that, I'm thinking about whether she deserves to be in the lineup. No, I don't think she does.
princesslullaby posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
i agree
Ribon95 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
milky-way said:
Aurora is my least favourite, because she doesn't do anything particularly interesting in her movie. And I always get frustrated with her for crying about Phillip when she finds out about her family...I just don't get why he means lebih to her than the parents she has never met. But I wouldn't remove her from the line-up, she has every right to be there.
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DamianLUVR said:
i agree, i don't like Snow White either... she's just boring, her bernyanyi is horrid... and her voice annoys the heck outta me. would i remove her? OF COURSE NOT! she deserves a spot as do all of the princesses. I'm also not a fan of Belle... to me she lacks personality... all we know is she's smart and wants adventure... thats it. I cinta her movie, but i dont really like HER.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
u r so mean!!!!!!
andy10A posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
i'm sorry Andy!!!! i just don't really like her... i cinta the movie... i just dont like her voice!!! I like all other versions of Snow White, just not the disney one!!
DamianLUVR posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
princessforlife said:
Aurora. I don't hate her in the least bit, but we don't get to see any of her personality, dreams, atau aspirations. She's just kind of an object in her movie. I wouldn't remove her from the line-up because I still like her and her movie, and there would be o reason for her to be removed, since she is a princess.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
laurenhaa said:
Snow White has always been my least favorit princess, she's annoying and boring and i hate that damn movie.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
Amen siter
zoekristipayne posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
magicfairydust said:
mmmmm, probably my least fave would be Tiana atau Pocahontas. I like them but Tiana doesn't seem like much fun, and Pocahontas is just so well, not playful atau fun as the other disney princesses. I would not remove them, because they do bring something different to the disney princess lineup. While I absolutely adore Rapunzel, I would probably remove her for the sole reason that she just seems like a combination of Ariel, Belle, and Jasmine. Maybe throw in a little Meg lols. She's just not original enough
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
Pink_Love said:
melati atau Aurora.
I would not take them out of the line-up though.
melati is whiney. She gets on my nerves. I dont like her attitude.
Aurora cause she is boring.
But no princess should be removed from the line-up. They are there for a reason.
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margox said:
...snow white hands down.... i really don't know why...maybe it's because she annoys the hell out of me.... she's just fair not totally beautiful.
...she's cool though coz she parties with little people!!!! woot woot!!!
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heathersvan said:
Jasmine. She has a HUGE ego, and she looks like a... well.. a hooker.. =( I wouldn't remove her unless there was someone to replace her.
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IncrediPrincess said:
Tiana for sure. She just bugs me. I don't hate her, I just prefer the others. She's almost too confident to me, and mean in the beginning. I know she loosens up, but I she just annoys me. I would not remove her though, because they have to have an African American in the line up to be inclusive. If they had two black girls, though, then yeah, definitely boot Tiana.
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tiagih said:
Although not my least favorite, I would remove mulan since I feel she was sort of forced into the DP line she isn't royalty at all
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zanesaaomgfan said:
Rapunzel. Hands down. I never found her a real princess, I like the idea of when they draw them, she's all three-dimensional and... Bleh.. I wish she was NEVER a princess, so yes, I would remove her.
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cetsilaza said:
Rapunzel, i actually like her a lot but she doesn't give me an impression of a "Disney Princess" she is lebih like something Dreamworks would come up with. But i wouldn't want to remove her.
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Miyuki-hime said:
Rapunzel atau Aurora. Neither really have any distinguishing qualities. They aren't particularly smart, compassionate, atau brave.
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TsumiTsukari said:
Cinderella, and no. I wouldn't take her out.
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SweetPea2007 said:
Jasmine...I find her to be a uppity B that is self absorbed and spoiled...but I would not remove her from the line up....she is a princess and other people adore her...
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Lady_Rebel said:
I really don't like Cinderella. The movie bored me out of y mind. She's too sweet.
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TsumiTsukari posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
anda think being snarky and threatening to git an animal with a sapu is sweet? look o
AudreyFreak posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
12NatureLvr30 said:
My least favorit is definitely Aurora because she, to me, has no personality, gets little screen time (which is mostly taken up oleh the three fairies), is bland, and only dreams of love. She's just not as interesting atau strong as the other princesses I like. I don't strongly dislike her as to remove her from the line up. She just doesn't do that much in the movie. It's as if she's just...there. She does have a beautiful voice, and I cinta the song "Once Upon a Dream." The animasi in the movie is beautiful as well.
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Ribon95 said:
Ariel. I know I'm gonna get a lot of hate but she's such a horrible character! She has an almost perfect life, a family and friends who cinta her, she's no outcast, and she leaves everything behind for a guy she saw ONCE! Sure she's a teenager and wants to follow her dreams BUT that's no excuse for being a complete brat! she gets upset if people don't do what she wants! and she didn't even feel bad for leaving everything behind! She just annoys me, and if it were up to me I would remove her even if she's a princess, mostly because she's a horrible role model for little girls. I mean, she's basically sending a message of: "Get upset at your parents for trying to protect you, AND even though everybody loves anda and anda are your parents fav, leave all that behind for a guy anda saw once and thought was handsome!" ...
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anda can have whatever opinion anda want to obviously and you're entitled to it just like everyone else, but she did not get upset when people did not do what she wanted, she only got upset when her father destroyed her collection because it was something she was working on for her entire life and the only thing that made her happy under the sea. And she didn't go for Eric just because he was handsome, she saw him doing things that defined him as a character such as being a nice down to earth person despite being a prince and risking his life and nearly dying to save his pet. And when Ariel could have left Eric himself dying because it was dangerous to stay around a burning ship after it exploded she still sticked around and saved him. And I don't think a person who saved a human life can be considered a brat atau a bad role model. Imo.
maryksand posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Moofysnowman said:
My least favorit is either Tiana atau Ariel....
I would take out both in a jantung beat 0.0. I personally just don't like Tiana's story! Ariel is just annoying in my opinion -.-.
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ocean_seeker said:
My least favorit tiana, I mean she's not really a princess but I just don't like the plot of the movie and whatnot. But idk if brave is supposed to be one of the princesses but I don't like her style and really? Your mom is a bear?
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 My least favorit tiana, I mean she's not really a princess but I just don't like the plot of the movie and whatnot. But idk if brave is supposed to be one of the princesses but I don't like her style and really? Your mom is a bear?
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Rosetaylor25 said:
My least favourite princess is Aurora because her bernyanyi voice is quite high
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 My least favourite princess is Aurora because her bernyanyi voice is quite high
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AudreyFreak posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
TheFabulousFAN said:
Merida, I don't like her because she very bratty she was willing to posin her mother to get what she wanted I don't like girls that only think of themselves that's why ariel isn't in my puncak, atas five, I don't think Merida deserves her spot in the line up
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Vega199 said:
Snow White is so annoying. It's her voice that is so annoying and her bernyanyi uggg
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