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disney Princess fan What is your favorit disney princess film?

70 fans picked:
beauty and the beast
Little Mermaid
putri salju dan tujuh kurcaci
sleeping beauty
The Princess and the Frog
 courtney7488 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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princesslullaby picked Little Mermaid:
It's actually Beauty and the Beast.
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courtney7488 picked beauty and the beast:
^ It's no longer The Little Mermaid? :P
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ppv picked beauty and the beast:
then Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella.. :)
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alafastanzio picked sleeping beauty:
Beauty and the Beast is probably the BEST story but not my favorite.
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princesslullaby picked Little Mermaid:
YES, courtney7488, I love Ariel, but Beauty and the Beast I like better as a movie. But it switches.
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DreamyGal picked cinderella:
This was my very first Princess movie, which was the birth of my obssession :D I just think she's so sweet and I have always loved her.
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BKG201 picked mulan:
My favorite Disney film and perhaps my favourite film.
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Mongoose09 picked mulan:
My favourites are Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Mulan and Aladdin. =)
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Shannon1982 picked beauty and the beast:
Beauty and the Beast & the little mermaid are my top two.
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vertika picked Little Mermaid:
my fav = little mermaid+cinderella+beauty & the beast+sleeping beauty =aladdin!
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ebkang99 picked Little Mermaid:
& mulan
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gumble picked cinderella:
and Sleeping Beauty are my top TOP ones:)
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Miliken picked Little Mermaid:
Pocahontas, but I picked The Little Mermaid because Beauty & the Beast is so far in the lead.
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liana99 picked aladdin:
And Ariel♥
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avatar_tla_fan picked putri salju dan tujuh kurcaci:
Tie between this and Cinderella.
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sunnyfields picked aladdin:
1. Tangled
2. Aladdin
3. Pocahontas
4. The Little Mermaid
5. Sleeping Beauty
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