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 Child recites from the Koran
Child recites from the Koran
First of all, let me preface this artikel oleh saying that I am far from an expert on Islam. The only thing that qualifies me to write this artikel is a handful of research and experience with Muslims. I feel that maybe a Muslim would be better equipped to tackle this issue, however it is so important to me that the Western World understand the difference between islam and Radical islam that I felt compelled to write this article.

In this article, I will clarify that normal islam is as peaceful as any other mainstream religion, like Judaism and Christianity. However, that does not mean that radical...
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 ok, obviously that's not gerado, but still.
ok, obviously that's not gerado, but still.
85 percent of the time, I like to think the world's a wonderful place. we have tecnology and nature all rolled into one delicious sushi-package, we all have different place to visit and new things to learn. most of the time, the world's a very pleasent, innocent place to be. But 15 percent of the time, horrible things happen. people crash planes into buildings, tecnology is faulty, nature is being destroyed and the odd teenager sometimes drops a baby bomb on her parents and boyfriend. but only very ocassionally...
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I was going to call them the "Ten Commandments" but felt someone might be offended oleh that (either a religious person thinking I'm blasphemous atau a secularist thinking I'm tampilkan a bias towards religion. Lose, lose, anda see). Also, I couldn't come up with ten rules.

So instead, observe the Golden Rules of the debat Spot.

1) RESPECT your fellow debaters. They believe what they do for a reason just like anda do. As opposed to simply trying to explain why they're wrong, explain your point of view and LISTEN to theirs. If anda find anda simply just cannot understand their views, atau that they will...
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posted by tvman
There are a lot of things that are in the world today that are right. Wars are going on in the world, Africa is a mostly poor nation, and Global Warming exists. What was that last one, Global Warming exists? Yes, but not to the extent that the United States government and the media want anda to believe. Now you’re probably thinking, why would the US government tell such a lie. Why would they get some of the puncak, atas rated scientists in the world to agree with them, and why are there not lebih scientist speaking out about this elaborate hoax. This artikel will explain the reason why Global Warming...
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 Alex Webster and the Gods
Alex Webster and the Gods
Is there a link between capitalism and Christianity, a god of the markets? Some experts think so. There is growing evidence that kristen gave birth to the global economy.

Max Weber, the German sociologist, developed the idea that Protestantism is a pillar of the profit system. He introduced the idea that piety and profits can live together. Weber outlined his theory in 1905 with “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”.

Calvinism and the Protestant sects, Weber argued, depend on outward signs of salvation. The main ones were diligence, sobriety and success. Thrift was also...
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On July 11th, rubah, fox News' Kelly File featured a focus group to talk about the Dallas Shootings, Protests, Black Lives Matter, Obama, Race and more. This was in direct response to increasing tensions between the police and specifically the Black US population. If anda know anything about me, anda probably know how important I believe it is that people keep talking in a constructive manner in order to come to real solutions. This is why I do not like hypocrisy when it comes to tolerance. I just happen to believe in beating api with water, not with lebih api as I believe it only fuels it and makes...
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The Republicans as well as a personified hairball some cat coughed up debat tonight. Though there are only five of them still in the race whittled down from an impressive seventeen before the primaries, it's hard to know what they're really for and against beyond all the rhetoric.

The Democrats have a completely different pickle. Their party is divided between two candidates who can't stop agreeing on everything, and yet insist they are different from each other.

So what does this really mean? Your very own political pundit is here to break it down for anda in as unbiased a way as I can possibly...
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posted by MajorDork74
 Such terrific guidelines for life!
Such terrific guidelines for life!
Spiritual Examples

Genesis contains accounts of many characters who tried to follow God. The Bible never glosses over human mistakes nor pretends the godly way is easy. It exposes the wrinkles and flaws of God's people. Of the chief characters in Genesis, Adam is the first sinner, Abraham lies to protect himself, and Jacob is a conniver. Yet God works through their frailty to teach them, and us, about himself. People like Joseph give us sterling examples of how to avoid temptations and concentrate on what really counts in life.

How God Works

God can seem unpredictable from our limited human perspective....
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 An add mocking "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" at Georg Mason University, 2007
An add mocking "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" at Georg Mason University, 2007
I found myself typing a long reply to one of MajorDork74's komentar on his link. If you're too lazy to click on the link, the image is a bumper sticker which says "If it's OK to call semak, bush Hitler, then I say it's OK to call Obama Muslim."

And the general response was, "Call him whatever anda want, but this statement doesn't make sense... how is being a Muslim as bad an insult as being called Hitler? I'm sure anda can think of worse and lebih accurate things to call Obama."

The Major returned with, and I quote: "Obama does a lot of things that people do not know about. How do anda know he does not...
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Just kidding. Below are a few pertanyaan I’ve attempted to answer about the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC). This isn’t formal research, just a few points that I believe need to be brought to attention.

What is this ‘Westboro Baptist Church’ anda speak of?
The fine folks at Wikipedia have summarized that in far fewer words than I ever could have, so if anda are unfamiliar with the WBC, I would suggest membaca the first paragraph link.

How does a church from Kansas have enough money to send members to protest all over the US?
Since the WBC classifies itself as a church, they are not required...
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I found this in my notes for my English class... I figured I'd share them with anda here.

In Classical times, heterosexuality, atau the cinta of a man for a woman, was considered to be "an animalistic urge to be slaked quickly only for the purpose of reproduction" (Henry Staten, English 202 instructor) while "platonic love" atau the cinta of a man for another man, was considered idealistic and "above the beasts."

Such close friends were in fact called "lovers," like Hercules and Hylas. To fall in cinta with a man was the "proper" thing to do at the time, and signified a wonderous thing.

This "homosociality"...
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Note: It's kind of late at night so this is a bit rushed & disorganized (especially regarding the points about Depp, Rowling, and DeLisle) so if anyone needs any clarification atau lebih context atau would like to hear lebih in depth about my personal feelings on each case, feel free to ask.

So this is inspired oleh a baru saja experience that I had with batal culture atau an attempt at it. I have always been against batal culture mostly because I've had several bad experiences with it over stuff that was blown way out of proportion. It was used as a humiliation tactic and a means to try to kick me...
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link, the only feedback I received revolved around definitions of racism. Sure, the concept of reverse racism was partially what the artikel was about, but it was also about what problems nonwhites have that whites don't face. It was also a daftar of grievances that need to be fixed. Those points were completely ignored.

When anda say that reverse racism doesn't exist, white people completely ignore the problems you're saying nonwhites face and the changes anda want to make to fight them. Instead, they do nothing constructive and just argue on behalf of whites. We - people on both sides of the debate...
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I respect most religious beliefs, mostly because I have a deep respect for the grounds they stand on. Those are very sacred grounds, with roots in history, culture, and philosophy. And these beautiful things are nothing to sneer at. People forget sometimes that this is where religion comes from, that we are religion as much as we are history.

I will always fight for a person's right to practice and believe in anything that feels right to them in their soul, so long as in practicing that religion, they do not infringe upon the rights of others to do the same. In my time, both on fanpop and off...
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I am going to post three komentar as one big soapbox and if this discussion ever comes up again, I will just relate people here because I am tired of repeating myself when no one listens.

I accept that people can disagree with me-- when they disagree with me. But I feel that these words are being ignored, particularly oleh the creationists who FOR SOME REASON STILL THINK WE CAME FROM MONKEYS!


[DISCLAIMER: This very basic theoretical proposal was created not oleh a Christian, but oleh an agnostic with respect for the Christian beliefs.]

Misinterpreted points of evolution:
FALSE: That humans evolved...
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The origin of life: During membaca an interesting novel about Dawkins and his theories on evolution, I discovered this particular bit. Dawkins has no solution for how life actually evolved, atau arose. Dawkins says: 'It is a complete mystery' (if anda wish to know more, read chapter 13 of The Greatest tampil On Earth: the Evidence for Evolution)

I would like to point out that I have not really found a viable explanation for the origin of life, yet. I suppose that people assume it was the Big Bang and the consequential events following after, which caused life to erupt in the form of micro-organisms....
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posted by ThePrincesTale
Idk if anyone’s noticed (lol) but I’m filthy mad about this election. Not just because of Trump himself, but because the whole thing represents, better than anything, one of the world’s most significant problem in baru saja years. We are moving away from our Enlightenment ideals - tolerance, progress, and liberty - with fanfare. Under the guise of saving western culture, we are threatening its core principles. We are neglecting the lessons of history that millions fought and died for: authoritarianism is a dangerous (yet insidious) thing, vilification of minority groups is wrong (demonstrated,...
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This artikel details the arguments supporting the position that "wooden pencils are better than mechanical pencils" in the link, in order to ensure that arguments are not repeated and also for the audience to keep track of the arguments and their counters. This artikel was last updated on 8 April 2008.

The arguments come in two forms: arguments for the superiority of wooden pencils, and arguments for the inferiority of mechanical pencils.

Wooden Pencil Superiority

Argument: Wooden pencils write thicker than mechanical ones.
Counter-argument: Thinner lines are preferable where thin sharp lines are...
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A conservative friend of mine had a very apropos status update on facebook this weekend: "People from the left and the right adore Jon Stewart because he says the things we think, no matter who's listening." And inspired oleh his rationality, as well as Jon Stewart, I decided to hold my own "rally" to remind people that just because you're the loudest, doesn't mean you're the majority.

I hear a lot of crazy accusations about Obama that are both unfounded and unfair, and it undermines the legitimate arguments people make against him. In this sensationalized world of celebrity tabloids and YouTube,...
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The prevailing prejudice in the United States in this post 9/11 world is against Arabs, specifically Arab Muslims. I'm not saying there aren't other "isms" at play in the US, oleh any means, but anda can't deny the repugnant anti-Arab sentiment that has permeated its way into American culture. For the ignorant American, it is just another reason to hate another group.

 Photograph oleh Nigel Parry
Photograph oleh Nigel Parry
In the immortal words of Aron Kader: "If semak, bush just came out and called everyone in the Middle East a mother fucker, don't anda think half of America, maybe lebih than half would go... 'link"

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