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added by Cinders
Source: Unknown, please advise
 An add mocking "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" at Georg Mason University, 2007
An add mocking "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" at Georg Mason University, 2007
I found myself typing a long reply to one of MajorDork74's komentar on his link. If you're too lazy to click on the link, the image is a bumper sticker which says "If it's OK to call semak, bush Hitler, then I say it's OK to call Obama Muslim."

And the general response was, "Call him whatever anda want, but this statement doesn't make sense... how is being a Muslim as bad an insult as being called Hitler? I'm sure anda can think of worse and lebih accurate things to call Obama."

The Major returned with, and I quote: "Obama does a lot of things that people do not know about. How do anda know he does not...
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added by DarkSarcasm
Source: I do not wish to claim these.
added by Cinders
Source: Pediaa.Com
added by DrDevience
added by amazondebs
added by amazondebs
Source: 1389blog
Just kidding. Below are a few pertanyaan I’ve attempted to answer about the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC). This isn’t formal research, just a few points that I believe need to be brought to attention.

What is this ‘Westboro Baptist Church’ anda speak of?
The fine folks at Wikipedia have summarized that in far fewer words than I ever could have, so if anda are unfamiliar with the WBC, I would suggest membaca the first paragraph link.

How does a church from Kansas have enough money to send members to protest all over the US?
Since the WBC classifies itself as a church, they are not required...
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added by Cinders
I found this in my notes for my English class... I figured I'd share them with anda here.

In Classical times, heterosexuality, atau the cinta of a man for a woman, was considered to be "an animalistic urge to be slaked quickly only for the purpose of reproduction" (Henry Staten, English 202 instructor) while "platonic love" atau the cinta of a man for another man, was considered idealistic and "above the beasts."

Such close friends were in fact called "lovers," like Hercules and Hylas. To fall in cinta with a man was the "proper" thing to do at the time, and signified a wonderous thing.

This "homosociality"...
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 Child recites from the Koran
Child recites from the Koran
First of all, let me preface this artikel oleh saying that I am far from an expert on Islam. The only thing that qualifies me to write this artikel is a handful of research and experience with Muslims. I feel that maybe a Muslim would be better equipped to tackle this issue, however it is so important to me that the Western World understand the difference between islam and Radical islam that I felt compelled to write this article.

In this article, I will clarify that normal islam is as peaceful as any other mainstream religion, like Judaism and Christianity. However, that does not mean that radical...
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added by pandawinx
Source: Please imform for further detail
Dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen made a joke about 'the Halal Girls'. During a discussion program concerning muslims in the Netherlands the Halal Girls wanted an explanation.
hans teeuwen
added by ThePrincesTale
added by Cinders
 ok, obviously that's not gerado, but still.
ok, obviously that's not gerado, but still.
85 percent of the time, I like to think the world's a wonderful place. we have tecnology and nature all rolled into one delicious sushi-package, we all have different place to visit and new things to learn. most of the time, the world's a very pleasent, innocent place to be. But 15 percent of the time, horrible things happen. people crash planes into buildings, tecnology is faulty, nature is being destroyed and the odd teenager sometimes drops a baby bomb on her parents and boyfriend. but only very ocassionally...
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Note: It's kind of late at night so this is a bit rushed & disorganized (especially regarding the points about Depp, Rowling, and DeLisle) so if anyone needs any clarification atau lebih context atau would like to hear lebih in depth about my personal feelings on each case, feel free to ask.

So this is inspired oleh a baru saja experience that I had with batal culture atau an attempt at it. I have always been against batal culture mostly because I've had several bad experiences with it over stuff that was blown way out of proportion. It was used as a humiliation tactic and a means to try to kick me...
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