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added by TEMPEBREN
Source: http://www.davidandgillian.net/
added by KarinaCullen
added by lilith84
Source: Albert Watson
added by WoohooXD
halaman awal is where the jantung is and my jantung is
out travelling. Up into the wild blue yonder,
wingless, prayerful that this miracle of flight
will not end,just yet
Also at home, with you, on the ground
wherever anda might he at the moment, grounded
like a highschooler, like a wire, a bird and a wire,
feet on the ground and my jantung in my throat now, now
in my feet, lawfully descending with gravity
to the lower, lowest, most sought after
most beautifully bound, home.
Aspirations involve reparations. We reach
for the stars wondering what we are.
But my Reason has been found
by finding anda and looking down And it...
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the x files
added by lilith84
Source: davidnadgillian.net and chimerical
added by lilith84
Source: davidnadgillian.net and chimerical
added by lilith84
Source: lilith84
added by livi4
added by livi4
added by lilith84
Source: duchovny.net
added by lilith84
added by Sunshine47
Source: shootingstar27 @ flickr
added by lilith84
Source: philiater
added by Doodlebug81
added by Sunshine47
Source: shootingstar27 @ flickr