breaking dawn Club
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added by Andressa_Weld
added by Andressa_Weld
added by Andressa_Weld
added by Andressa_Weld
added by princessbella
The movie adaptation of Twilight sequel Breaking Dawn is going to be the sexiest of all the film in the saga.

Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg promises that the final Twilight installment will have the sex scene, although it may not have the birth scene.

Rosenberg described the Breaking Dawn sex scene between Pattinson's Edward Cullen and Stewart's Bella angsa, swan this way:

“Breaking Dawn will be sexier [than its predecessors.] I think we can get awfully sexy with a PG-13, I’m not worried about the rating. I know a lot of fan are like, ‘We have to go R to do it justice,’ but I don’t think so. I think it’s going to be pretty hot. Way hot!”
posted by kat_hale
It's my detik membaca of “Breaking dawn”. I`ve somehow always wondered if the detik time would feel different. Now I know! But it's different in a good way, because I now see things lebih clearly. What fascinated, stroke me this time was not only the huge amount and density of emotions. I saw things from a different prospective – Jacob's. I've always considered myself to be Team Edward, but I know all that team stuff seems a bit meaningless – because it was always Edward for Bella. But what struck me the most was Jacob's development – he literary grows up-in his thoughts, in his...
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posted by Eclipse
This is just an idea I would like onest feedback please! Breaking Dawn
The Wedding
    I was walking down the aisle to marry my beloved Edward. It was now time. But was I ready? I stared at Edward making sure that I didn’t let my eyes stray where Jacob, my best friend, and my favorit mechanic should be sitting. I exhaled and kept my eyes on Edward. Trying not to let my eyes stray to where Seth was sitting either knowing that he would look at me with eyes that say Bella, he’s not coming back sorry. Instead I just kept my eyes on Edward.
    Then I...
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added by princessbella
posted by bigbrain101
My name is Renesmee Cullen. I am half human half vampire. My mom was human and my daddy was a vampire. Now my mom is a vampire too. Mom daddy and I have a cottage in the middle of the woods, but we spend most of our time in the big house. Even though I like our cottage I like the big house better. I have a very interesting life. I like telling people about it. Not now though, now I'm going to sleep.
I begged to go hunting but since Jacob [unwillingly] went to do duties for the pack and Edward is out hunting I decided [Rose decided] it would be best if I stayed with...
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posted by bigbrain101
I know Edward always berkata Bella was beautiful but she seems kind of boring. She always worries about other people, but she never thinks of herself. In the book [especially when she's human] she thinks all these stupid thoughts and I'm glad Edward didn't hear what she was thinking because I would be so embarrassed if I was her.
I cinta Alice. She is so cute and she has a great sense of style. I'm so glad she got Jasper. Even though her closet is a bit disproportional I wouldn't mind having it once in a while.(:
Rosalie is cool. I mean she was mean but after Nessie was born she got so much nicer. I can tell that she truly loves Nessie.
I've diberikan anda my opinion but what's your's?.
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added by Andressa_Weld
added by teamedward4evr
added by Andressa_Weld
added by kiss93
added by Andressa_Weld
added by Andressa_Weld
added by kiss93
added by Andressa_Weld