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Becoming Jane Favourite Moment between Jane and Tom

119 fans picked:
She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom
He pushes her against the pohon saying they have to be together when in the woods
He reads to her from the book about 'ecstasy'
They Say 'Goodnight' on the stairs
When they meet again when they are older and she reads for his daughter 'Jane'
When they meet walking in the wood and he doesnt remember her name
When she kisses him 'well'
When they run away together
1st time they dance and simply talk about his arogance
 EclecticFan posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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EclecticFan picked He reads to her from the book about 'ecstasy':
this was were i 1st really noticed James McAvoy omg hottest scene ever from an english period film
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sweetmonkeytoes picked She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom:
I love this part. I can watch it over and over!
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shieldmaiden picked When they meet walking in the wood and he doesnt remember her name:
loooved it! shows how different they are through the score playing the background and how they walk in the woods! plus their banter with each other is quite funny =)
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shieldmaiden picked When they meet walking in the wood and he doesnt remember her name:
okay and i also love that dancing scene!!! =)
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last edited lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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wannabe_Blair picked They Say 'Goodnight' on the stairs:
i love the scene when jane and tom are saying goodnite at the stairs it is romantic is like i want you but we can't
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EclecticFan picked He reads to her from the book about 'ecstasy':
yer i love all the scenes n most gave me goose bumps in particular the goodnight.. i loved the nose graze... it just left you wanting more
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_Quinn_ picked She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom:
I love the scene where she dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom. He has the cutest grin that melts my heart everytime I watch that scene.
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WinxClub said:
all the parts
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ggizzle picked She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom:
that is my favorite scene especially when Tom/James comes in out of nowhere and then smiles at Jane/Anne! it makes my heart skip a beat every time i watch it!
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sundayymorning picked When they meet again when they are older and she reads for his daughter 'Jane':
That was soooo awesome!
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notthatgirl picked He pushes her against the pohon saying they have to be together when in the woods:
So intense ! I loved it. & then she tried to punch him hard xD James MacAvoy is so sexy
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makeitcount picked She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom:
i love this scene!! it was so unexpected when tom appeared like he did, and he has the cutest smile !!
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pandp4eva picked She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom:
This is the funniest part of the film!
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ambra picked She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom:
but every moment is perfect..........all film is perfect!!!!!!
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BlackSandals picked He pushes her against the pohon saying they have to be together when in the woods:
Love that kiss.
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ppv picked She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom:
AWWWW! Also When they meet again when they are older and she reads for his daughter 'Jane'!
Oh again, I cry! I just love this movie! Heartbreaking!
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poponna_bahira picked When they run away together:
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crazychocolate picked She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom:
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Echoes picked She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom:
This is my most favorite scene in the whole movie. It is so simplistic and platonic on the surface, but underneath there is a multitude of unsaid feelings and emotions that add to the layers. Simply superb!!
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Leyton-TLA picked They Say 'Goodnight' on the stairs:
love them all :) <3
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starsparks picked When they meet again when they are older and she reads for his daughter 'Jane':
ah this was tough. but i think this was the best.....
i think the second one(He pushes her against the tree saying they have to be together when in the woods), when they say goodnight and when she reads to him(i think it was more to him than his daughter), that particular extract and my next favorites........i love how thy look at each other in the end n how he smiles as he recognises what she says....<3
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starsparks picked When they meet again when they are older and she reads for his daughter 'Jane':
oh i forgot to say that i absolutely love the way she only looks at tom when dancing with wisley and how her face lights up <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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nikibella picked She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom:
<333 perfect !!
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Maria7Potter picked When they meet again when they are older and she reads for his daughter 'Jane':
This one blew me away! :')
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AAlexandra picked She dances with Wisley but only looks at Tom:
This was tough...
All of them were amazing. I love dancing scenes, wood scenes, library scene...also the one at the end when Jane reads for 'little Jane' and Tom smiles :)
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