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Korra getting her bending taken away, and then getting it back all in one go. A tad to much, no?

 GleekFreak18 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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bakes2389 said:
I thought it was ridiculous. It just made it too easy for her. I didn't feel sorry for her when she got it taken away either......based on her sebelumnya behavior, I was like karma's a bitch. But then she gets it back oleh crying......Aang was a little too helpful in my opinion.
They should have drawn it out more.......I just thought it was a dumb ending and very pathetic rewarding her like that. I just feel it made her look like she couldn't survive without bending. Better it should have been prolonged.....she would actually have to learn how to bend, and it wouldn't be like it used to where the bending just came naturally.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
I agree 100%
GleekFreak18 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
OngoingSky67 said:
A tad to much is quite a frickin' understatement. It is plain garbage. She cried. That's it. She cried, and for some reason this was enough to make Aang come back from the dead and give her her bending back. She did not have to do much sincere work to get it back. I though it was quite cheap and lazy on the creators' part. Aang had to work so hard to achieve his goals but Korra, everything is handed to her on a silver platter. No sacrifice, no development. And it sucks because they had the perfect opportunity to give her that but they just for some reason did not take it and just left her as the bland ungrateful character she is.
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meelo123awesome said:
It could've sunk in a little more, but if it was taken away any longer than that, it might be addressed as overstating a problem that was fixed still pretty early.
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NightFrog said:
It felt like a cop-out to me. I was actually pretty disappointed with how easy it was. I was also a little annoyed with Lin getting her bending back (hear me out)- we didn't see how she was dealing with it, we never really even saw her until the near end and when Korra gave it back.

It feels too simple. I wanted it to leave a mark, I wanted to see how people cope with the loss of their bending and learning new skills. It makes it look like benders can't live without their bending- therefore makes them look completely dependent on it (like I said, I just want to see character development evolve out of this.) Plus, having Korra receive this large amount of power without really working for it really bothers me- she only meditated once, and she didn't work at her spirituality like she could have. And when she went into the avatar State she was in control, while Aang didn't have control. It was just a weak ending. ..It feels like the entire point of season 1 was lost. Why lose your bending only to get it back a few episodes or, in Korra's case, menit later?

Call me a nit-pick, I just feel a little cheated when it comes to that.
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hungergames2013 said:
Well original Korra was only going to have one season so the fastness of the whole season was because of that, so getting it taken away and getting it back all in one wasn’t that much. Think about it this way say the tampil didn’t get good ratings (I know hard to believe) and having the tampil end with her cry, having lost three of the elements, no resolution what so ever with all the relationships, and we still didn’t know who Amon was and then Nick didn’t give them a detik season and we would have never know what would have happen, that is why it seems like it went so fast and was tad too much.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
I think I would have preferred not having a detik season.......this season finale was just awful, in my opinion.
bakes2389 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
^ thankyou
GleekFreak18 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
CapShunsuifan13 said:
Yeah they should have strung it out more. I mean we all knew she was gonna get it back but the total time of her being bendless was like 2 minutes.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
I know right? Not even a full episode! I know it's a bit cruel of me, but I wanted it to be prolonged. For her to suffer, just a little bit. Maybe even expecting her to have to re-learn her bending all over again ><
GleekFreak18 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Dude your sick. It was so awesome. She blow my socks off with her air bending.. she rocked. All u r just stupid. I bet your not even a kid. She had a fine pantat, keledai niggers menggerutu, jalang attitude and anda know what I think I like them black girls.
kiddro posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
"You're sick" *Proceeds to say borderline (if not totally) racist shit* And all that over a cartoon lmao.
zanhar1 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
z_tabe said:
Look NO ONE wants to see another journey of the avatar trying to get all elements back, for lords sake this is another series, I’m sure a bigger threat that inner conflict would be lebih entertaining.
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
I don't think that's the complaint, though. No one would want to see that, for sure, but the choice to give Korra her bending back immediately made the event feel a bit cheap. Played for easy drama, when all through the season it had been treated as Korra's biggest fear come to pass. It's ripe with storytelling potential, and to have it resolved so quickly with little agency on Korra's part felt like a wasted opportunity. No one expected her to need to train like Aang did, but perhaps a spiritual journey, maybe a season where she was reliant on only airbending - any number of things, so that Korra's biggest fear carried a sense of weight rather than an issue swept aside in a moment.
tsmith120 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
zanhar1 said:
Yeah, it was a cool plot point but I feel like it was a bit rushed. But also I'm aware that Korra was supposed to only be a 1 season thing so they kind of had to membungkus, bungkus everything up really quickly.
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